CKAN deployment configuration for Openshift
Holds both Docker and Openshift configuration for the standard CKAN stack:
- Solr
- Datapusher
- Redis
- Postgres with gis
- CKAN extensions
The templates/full-CKAN-stack.yaml
file holds a template to deploy all components of CKAN inside the same Openshift namespace.
The template will deploy components using the custom build of images, and images stored in the Integrated OCR(Openshift Container Registry), so in order for it to work, one must be available.
- all components are deployed with ephemeral storage; for other variants the template needs to be modified.
- the custom builds reference this repository (docker configuration); for other variants the template needs to be modified.
# 1. create the Openshift namespace
oc new-project my-ckan --display-name="CKAN(full stack)" --description="CKAN on OKD extra description"
# 2. check the Parameters defined inside the template .yaml file and customize the values in the .param file
# at least the NAMESPACE and the APPLICATON_HOSTNAME should be switched to be consistent to your environment
# NAMESPACE=my-ckan
# 3. deploy the parametrized stack by processing the template and creating the objects
oc process -f templates/full-CKAN-stack.yaml --param-file=templates/full-CKAN-stack.param | oc create -f -
# 3.1 alternatively you can load the template inside your namespace and manually instantiate it
# through Openshift's WebConsole
oc create -f templates/full-CKAN-stack.yaml -n my-ckan
# wait for all builds to complete and the stack to be deployed
# 4. initialize the Datapusher/Datastore DB based on the .sql script generated by CKAN's first initialization
# this appears in the pod logs and is also kept inside the pod under /opt/app-root/config/datapusher_setup.sql
# Transfer the file between the two containers and invoke it inside the postgres Pod
# copy file from CKAN's Pod to current local directory
oc cp $(oc get pods -l ckan.component=ckan -o .
# copy the file to Postgres' Pod
oc cp datapusher_setup.sql $(oc get pods -l ckan.component=postgresql -o
# run the contents inside Pod
oc exec $(oc get pods -l ckan.component=postgresql -o -- psql -f /tmp/datapusher_setup.sql
Only two template configuration versions are provided:
- deployment with ephemeral persistence(emptyDir)
- local build with deployment and PersistenceVolumeClaim for data storage
Other variants can be adapted starting from these versions.
If the entire stack of templated components, that are needed by CKAN, has been consistently deployed (using
the same application NAME and Openshift NAMESPACE),the parametrized Secret
and ConfigMap
objects that hold
setup environment variables for CKAN should just work.
If CKAN is built with different configurations or has to connect to specific endpoints for Redis, Datapusher, SOlr and Postgres, then
the appropriate configuration must be manually edited inside the Secret
and/or ConfigMap
Holds environment variables and configuration files that are CKAN(app)-specific Components:
main configuration file for CKAN- required
- can be in raw/complete form so it may be used "as-is"
- can be in templated form, which means, using environment variables; the initialization procedure(
script) will try to substitute them
file- optional
environment variables- used at container initialization
- there are 2 markers/flags used by the init script
if set totrue
, the init script treats the suppliedckan.ini
file as template and will try to substitute the variables found in it with the values of the equivalent environment variablesCKAN_DO_DB_INIT
if set totrue
, the init script will initialize the database and create and save the initialization script for thedatapusher
- the rest of the env vars will be substituted inside the
file if it is marked as being template
Mainly holds environment variables that are container-specific.
Extensions can be used by creating a new image based on CKAN.
The procedure is incremental(can add extension/layers on top of existing ones or a base CKAN) and, currently, uses three different approaches based on the standard generic options of adding CKAN extensions as specified in the official documentation:
In order to add the ckanext-geoview
and ckanext-deadoralive
- (optional) create a local ImageStream to hold your new image
- edit the
and modifyCKAN_EXT_LIST="ckanext-geoview ckanext-deadoralive"
- build the new image
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- edit the ConfigMap holding the
configuration file and append the plugin lineckan.plugins = ... resource_proxy geo_view deadoralive
- (optional) edit other configuration such as flags for template processing and/or Datastore initialization and other custom configuration
- edit/create the DeploymentConfig for CKAN and point to the newly created ImageStream tag
- the new deployment should now be using the new image with CKAN + extensions and start based on the new
file from the ConfigMap
In order to add one or more CKAN extensions that are available on python's package repository, a new image must be build.
- starting from the base image of CKAN or from an image that has CKAN installed on it(and possibly other extensions)
- either using the Dockerfile from this repository(under
) or a similar one - the resulting image is a custom/local one, so the cluster must have the Openshift Container Repository installed in order to be able to store/use it
The configuration of the CKAN-extension via pip involves:
- specifying an existing image which has base CKAN(or CKAN + a set of extensions) as source image
- editing the
environment variable with the needed list of extensions separated with a space - building a new image and using it in a DeploymentConfiguration for CKAN
Once the configuration is loaded in Openshift/OKD, the operations above can be done from the WebConsole as well as
by using the
client (oc edit bc/ckan-ext-pip
In order to add the ckanext-mapviews
- (optional) create a local ImageStream to hold your new image
- edit/create the
and add/modifyCKAN_EXT_DIR: "ckanext-mapviews" |- python install
- build the new image
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- edit the ConfigMap holding the
configuration file and append the plugin lineckan.plugins = ... navigablemap
- (optional) edit other configuration such as flags for template processing and/or Datastore initialization and other custom configuration
- edit/create the DeploymentConfig for CKAN and point to the newly created ImageStream tag
- the new deployment should now be using the new image with CKAN + extensions and start based on the new
file from the ConfigMap
Adding a single extension via git
is similar to the actual build process of CKAN itself and it uses the s2i
functionality of Openshift.
As a result only single extensions can be added at a time.
The process of adding an extension from source/ via git
is baked in the base CKAN image. The extension is installed
in the same directory structure along side CKAN. The resulting directory structure:
$APP_ROOT(virtual environment)
The custom BuildConfiguration uses a Secret
object in order to configure the build process.
The contents of the Secret
holding the directory where the extension will be
script that should contain the install operations on the extension's source code
In order to add the ckanext-geoview
, ckanext-showcase
, ckanext-mapviews
and a custom_ckan_ext
extension from
a private repository accessible via key-pair:
- (optional) create a local ImageStream to hold your new image
- edit/create the
and add/ |- #!/bin/bash CKAN_EXT_LIST="ckanext-geoview" pip install ${CKAN_EXT_LIST} pip install -e "git+" git clone cd ckanext-mapviews python install cd .. repo_host="" repo="Project/custom_ckan_ext.git" setup_private_key "$APP_ROOT/config/git_priv_key1" ssh-agent bash -c "ssh-add $APP_ROOT/config/git_priv_key1; \ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T git@$repo_host; \ git clone git@$repo_host$repo custom_ckan_ext" cd custom_ckan_ext git checkout branch_name ssh-agent bash -c "ssh-add $APP_ROOT/config/git_priv_key1; \ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -T git@$repo_host; \ git pull" ########### # all install steps (invoking pip/python/other) go in here ########### remove_private_key "$APP_ROOT/config/git_priv_key1" cd .. git_priv_key1: |- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MII......... .......... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
- Note: more info about the file can be found in the
file inside this repo
- Note: more info about the file can be found in the
- build the new image
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- (optional) when using a local image as base for the build you should also modify the strategy as noted
inside the
- edit the ConfigMap holding the
configuration file and append the plugin lineckan.plugins = ... resource_proxy geo_view showcase navigablemap
and the suitable configuration for thecustom_ckan_ext
extension - (optional) edit other configuration such as flags for template processing and/or Datastore initialization and other custom configuration
- edit/create the DeploymentConfig for CKAN and point to the newly created ImageStream tag
- the new deployment should now be using the new image with CKAN + extensions and start based on the new
file from the ConfigMap
Images are found at
The "base-" images are built based on the Docker configuration from CKAN's repository for convenience(the images aren't built
and pushed to a public image repository).
The Openshift specific image relies on the base image and is tagged with just the version of the original solr("6.6.2", "6.6.5"")
Note: The choice to create a new image for datapusher is because the default image, pointed inside the docker-compose.yml file in the original CKAN repository, is 4 years old(at the time of this writing); see
The image used for redis is switched from the default/provided in docker-compose.yml on CKAN repo.
The default uses
The image used in the current configuration is the redis-3.2 version from
The image is based on the PostgreSQL configuration from the Crunchy Data Container Suite; repository:
Only two template configuration versions are provided:
- deployment with ephemeral persistence(emptyDir)
- local build with deployment and PersistenceVolumeClaim for data storage Other variants can be adapted starting from these versions.
The configuration uses 2 Secrets
and one ConfigMap
object to allow decoupling/injection
of app specific configuration depending on environment.
The Secret
objects define environment variables split between env-specific and authorization/identity.
- the authorization/identity users and passwords are generated by the initial creation of the Openshift template from random expressions; as all data is kept in the Secrets there is no need to regenerate them twice
The ConfigMap
, containing the setup.sql
script ran at initialization, is customized for CKAN.
It both initializes the needed extensions and creates the Datastore structure (DB,user, pass) needed by CKAN.
refine documentation
decouple postgres-gis deployment from CKAN-specific datastore initialization
extra env vars: (custom)container ports
refactor builder dir structure for postgres-gis
mention: all current config for custom builds is done based on publicly acessibly repos; for private repos the BuildConfigs must be customized
patch images to solve security issues found by
CKAN's db init
- version to initialize Datastore automatically (other than with pgclient installed inside CKAN's container and root access to the DB)
? group specific containers inside same Pod?