This is a simple program for controlling LINAK Desk Control Cable in linux. Its created as linux alternative to:
Tested on model: usb2lin06.
this is using: libusb-1.0
to intall libusb-1.0 (debian)
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
- setting height
- monitoring status - current height
- getting pressed buttons
to compile examples:
$ make
[ please run output file using "sudo"! ]
get current height in centimeters
$ sudo ./example-getHeight
get 10 status reports every 2 seconds
$ sudo ./example-getStatus 10 2.0
move desk up (to height 6000 in my case its 62.2cm)
$ sudo ./example-moveTo 6000
move desk to very bottom
$ sudo ./example-moveTo 0
traces of working program are included
to monitor usb in wireshark:
$ modprobe usbmon
to see if you have your device connected:
$ lsusb -v -d 12d3:0002
anazyze how save/restore position works