DrainPipe is a near real-time alerting system for DAO's and NFT communities. We monitor the chain for suspicious NFT activity (e.g. a large number of transfers for a collection in a single block) and send alerts via text and discord. The sooner you know if a wallet is hacked and being drained of its NFTs the sooner you can TAKE ACTION!
- Report the tokens as stolen to OpenSea to prevent the hacker from cashing out
- Blacklist those tokens from DAO governance or protocol participation until the situation is fully understood
- DAO bot re-buys NFTs with DAO insurance funds
- DAO buys stolen NFTs and puts in quarantine wallet
- Much, much more ...
We use the dune analytics API to run queries and detect potentially suspicious activity. For the demo we support 1 query:
user provides the collection address and the threshold in the input form.
Drainpipe uses the following tech stack to build our hack:
- Deployed our own NFT contract on Polygon
- Dune Analytics to collect data on our deployed contract
- Next.js/Tailwind frontend clinet to # for the service
- FAST API to spin up a drainpipe service
- Twillio and Discord for SMS and server notification webhooks
See system architecture below for full design
- Creating more detection rules
- Use wallet statistics (frequency of TX, size of TX, contracts interacted with, etc.)
- Use collection statistics
- Other concurrent transactions from holders could indicate staking going live or a similar event.
- Use listing data
- Large transfers followed by listings well under Floor Price is obviously a drain
- Adding more notification channels (Telegram/Twitter/Signal/Push(web3 protocol))
- Making detection closer to real-time (Dune is several seconds to several minutes of latency)
- Train models on historic on-chain data for threat detection
- Index and track exploit contract address and notify immediately of wallet interaction
- python 3.8+
- yarn v1.22+
"twilio_sid": "ABCDEFG",
"twilio_auth_token": "ABCDEFG",
"twilio_phone_number": "+15555555555",
"dune_api_key": "ABCDEFG",
"alchemy_polygon_url": "https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/YOURALCHEMYCODE",
"discord_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/YOURSERVERWEBHOOK"
Start Backend Service
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn server:app
INFO: Started server process [3844]
INFO: Waiting for application startup.
INFO: Application startup complete.
INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Example POST to start the service
curl -X POST -d @startservice.json -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Example startservice.json
Some values are obviously for example only. Use a valid phone number and discord_webhook_url. This is the JSON
that is send from the frontend client to start the drainpipe service.
"contract_address": "0xe1e5d4A11592D46E349A2d3FF2817f063532c538",
"collection_name": "ETHSF2022",
"channels": {
"sms": {
"enable": true,
"phone_number": "555-555-5555"
"twitter": {
"enable": false
"telegram": {
"enable": true,
"phone_number": "555-555-5555"
"discord": {
"enable": true,
"discord_webhook_url": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/YOURSERVERWEBHOOK",
"server_name": "drainpipe"