This Application is built on Rails 4.1.8, Ruby version 2.1.3. You can see this application live at # with email:, password: 12345678 to see the full functionality.
We used Rest Client and Nokogiri for webscraping for dog park information. We created a rake task to perform this web scraping and seed the database. The rake task can be completed with: rake scrape:parks
The Application has a custom mapping feature to display these dog parks, it connects to Google Geocoder API, used the geocode gem, and Mapbox API.
The app also has a live messaging component. We used EventMachine Websocket. We're using em-websocket gem and thin. Thin takes over as the http server instead of the Rails' default Webrick.
For the test suite: gem "capybara" gem 'launchy' gem 'rspec-rails' gem 'spring' gem 'pry' gem 'better_errors' gem 'binding_of_caller' gem 'selenium-webdriver'
Run tests with rspec spec
The database is postgresql.
This app is currently deployed on an AWS EC2 Instance Ubuntu 14.04.