Dependencies managed with poetry
poetry install
poetry shell
# Once for example data
python scripts/
With the environment activated, you can run the command line tool with the card
card --help
Usage: card [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --install-completion Install completion for the current shell. │
│ --show-completion Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or │
│ customize the installation. │
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Commands ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ delete Delete a card. │
│ ls List cards in a category. │
│ new Create a new card. │
│ practice Practice cards. │
╭─ Dev ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ all-cards List all cards. │
│ all-categories List all categories. │
│ all-practice-history List all practice history. │
│ all-practice-sessions List all practice sessions. │
│ all-practice-types List all practice types. │
Practice the cards for a category
card practice
category: [German/German Verbs/Basic German/French/Statistics/Country Capitals/Capitals]: German
method: [random/same/most-recent] (random):
max number of cards: (3):
max number of tries: (3):
what is the back of "you're welcome"? bitte
Incorrect. Try again. (1 / 3)
what is the back of "you're welcome"? Bitte
Incorrect. Try again. (2 / 3)
what is the back of "you're welcome"? Gern geschehen
Incorrect. Try again. (3 / 3)
Incorrect. The answer is bitte schön
what is the back of "I'm a teacher"? Ich bin Lehrer
what is the back of 'goodbye'? Auf Wiedersehen
Finished practicing German cards with random method
Practicing will log all the practice history into a local data base.
Practice history data
card all-practice-history
PracticeHistory(session_id=1, guess='bitte', datetime='2023-07-30T10:56:34.608060', id=1, card_id=20, correct=False)
PracticeHistory(session_id=1, guess='Bitte', datetime='2023-07-30T10:56:36.309292', id=2, card_id=20, correct=False)
PracticeHistory(session_id=1, guess='Gern geschehen', datetime='2023-07-30T10:56:43.248711', id=3, card_id=20, correct=False)
PracticeHistory(session_id=1, guess='Ich bin Lehrer', datetime='2023-07-30T10:56:53.549436', id=4, card_id=15, correct=True)
PracticeHistory(session_id=1, guess='Auf Wiedersehen', datetime='2023-07-30T10:57:06.146497', id=5, card_id=2, correct=True)