Set a maximum price on an Amazon product, receive an email with a purchase link when it's at or below your price!
You'll need to import BeautifulSoup, requests and smtplib!
Requests allows your computer to reach out to a specific URL.
BeautifulSoup parses HTML for data according to parameters you set.
Smtplib (Simple Mail Transer Protocol Library) automates your email to send others or, in this case, yourself, mail.
- Copy and paste your URL from Amazon inside quotes next to the PRODUCT_URL constant
- Indicate the max price as an int next to the MAX_PRICE constant
- Copy and paste your email and password inside quotes next to the EMAIL and PASSWORD constants
- This code is set up for gmail
- If using e-mail other than gmail, research proper host URL and port information on line 27 inside parentheses --> smtplib.SMTP('', 587)