A collection of tools to import and export between different task manager applications.
There is currently no installation of todo-import-export itself. However,
todo-import-export depends on Ruby and the
Hpricot library at runtime.
To install Hpricot, try gem install --user hpricot
- Go to https://myhomeworkapp.com/home in your browser.
- Login if necessary.
- Press Ctrl+S or use a menu to save the document as a regular HTML. Name it myHomework.html or whatever you want.
- Start a terminal console.
- Type
/path/to/myhomework-exporter.rb /path/to/myHomework.html path/to/output.csv
myhomework-exporter.rb works fine for what it does, but has some serious limitations, namely:
- no notes;
- no repeat increments, just a true/false repeat value;
- no differentiation between low priority and no priority. None of these are going to be fixed without switching to Mechanize. That's in my future plans, but will take some time.
You don't need to wait for me to write a HiTask exporter. Just look at the source, run a quick Javascript snippet in a console, and you can export without upgrading to premium. If you understand HTML and Javascript, it takes 5 minutes.
I don't expect it can be directly imported into any application; I just made columns for the information MyHomework provided. CSVs are pretty easy to manipulate and work with, so I can probably convert it into another format if you add an issue.
Yes. I know, but it's what I'm used to and I just haven't stopped using it. I would accept commits switching to another library, especially Mechanize, since we'll need it anyway.
- Make myhomework-exporter.rb more usable for scripts by splitting CSV writing into separate method.
- Make myhomework-exporter.rb use the Ioify library.
- Write Remember the Milk importer for MyHomework parsed data or CSV.
- Make myhomework-exporter.rb use Mechanize to grab all todo item data.
- Write HiTask exporter
- Write Remember the Milk importer for HiTask exported XML.
todo-import-export is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
todo-import-export is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.