You need to install the following:
- Python 2.7
- pip
Then run this in the console.
pip install pyautogui
- Star Bound is installed and running.
- You have to install this Mod
- You need a Soda in every inventory slot like in this screenshot
Download this repo and run the script
You need to have a running instance of star bound open in your main window, because isaac will start firing your screen with left and right clicks after the countdown.
I was looking at the Steam summer sale today (2.7.19), because i watched this video about an "exploit" in this years sale.
After watching the video, I thought to myself. Damn, I can actually automate this stuff. And that is what I did on my second day of holiday. Feel free to use it for your purpose.
The Exploit is essentially just an easy way of getting points in this years sale, but your account can be limited, if you didn't bought a lot of games lately.
You can boost your accounts levels or get 5€ steam gift cards.
Depending on your purchases this processes can take up to days or just an hour.
In your Dirvers Dashboard you can see the points you have made so far and get your team (Go Turtoises!) a boost, to get the tokens.
To get more Points, you need to do some quests. Luckily there is an easy quest for starbound.
After you collected your points, you can boost your team to earn tokens.
There are two rewards you can choose from. If you decide to boost your steam level, just go with the right one and level your badge to a maximum of 2000.
My randomly created character, for tetsing purposes, is named Isaac.
And Isaac sounds better than sss2019x