A collection of zsh themes for your prompt.
Edit de file .zshrc
and add this line:
antigen theme Mayccoll/oh-my-git-themes liino
One line command to add the line
$ echo "antigen theme Mayccoll/oh-my-git-themes liino" >> ~/.zshrc
This script will intall zsh, Oh-My-Zsh, Antigen all at ones.
$ wget -O xt http://git.io/UBJMHQ && chmod +x xt && ./xt && rm xt
- libra
- libra_clean
- libra_dark
- liino
- liino_red
- remol
$ cd ~/.antigen/repos/https-COLON--SLASH--SLASH-github.heygears.com-SLASH-Mayccoll-SLASH-oh-my-git-themes.git
$ git pull
- Gogh (Color Scheme)