This playbook prepare a complete environment to Install and Run MailWizz EMA system.
- Prepare a fresh installed VM/Cloud/Droplet based on CentOS 7.x
- Install latest stable of MariaDB Server 10.4
- Install latest stable of NGINX Web Server
- Install PHP and requirements modules such as
- Configure NGINX virtual host and PHP-FPM Pool optimized for MailWizz EMA
- Create user for MailWizz EMA and set necessary configuration for it
- Download and extract MailWizz EMA
- Fresh Install VM/Cloud with CentOS 7.x
- Proper access to the internet
- Open port for 80/443
- User with sudo privilege
- SSH Access to the Host
- Python Installed on machine
You can made some adjustment and customization in variable file which located here: $PROJECT_HOME/mailwizz/defaults/main.yml
There are no dependencies for this playbook.
You can use this example to run this playbook.
- hosts: all
become: true
- mailwizz