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The ElasticMatrix software uses the partial-wave method to model elastic wave propagation in multilayered anisotropic media.


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ElasticMatrix Toolbox

The ElasticMatrix Toolbox uses the partial-wave method [1,3,4] to model elastic wave propagation in multi-layered anisotropic media up to transverse-isotropic symmetry when the wave propagation is along a plane of symmetry.


Download from github, or MATLAB file exchange: View ElasticMatrix Toolbox on File Exchange.

View the documentation online:


To add the ElasticMatrix Toolbox source-code and all the examples:


To add the ElasticMatrix Toolbox source-code without examples:


The source code is found in the src-pw folder.


ElasticMatrix has been tested with MATLAB2016a and above and should run on most personal laptops and desktop machines.


  • To view the html documentation in MATLAB:

    • help (or press F1) -> Supplemental Software -> ElasticMatrix Toolbox
  • ./examples folder contains example scripts demonstrating some of the capabilities of the code.

  • ./examples_mlx folder contains example scripts in the MATLAB live script style.

  • ./documentation folder contains a reference list for the mathematical background.


Some of the code functionality includes:

  • Plotting slowness profiles.
  • Plotting reflection and transmission coefficients.
  • Calculating dispersion curves for simple plate structures.
  • Plotting displacement and stress fields.
  • Calculating the directivity of Fabry-Perot ultrasound sensors, see [1].


  • Dispersion curves are tracing incorrectly? Please try the "coarse" dispersion curve method.


Danny Ramasawmy


Bradley Treeby

Ben Cox

File Tree

The file tree for the ElasticMatrix Toolbox is shown below. Files/folders marked with an asterisk (*) are not included when using download in git and are only included if the repository is cloned. Files marked with a double asterisk are not pushed to the public repository, please contact the author if these are required.

Tree compiled: 2019-11-11

├── data
│   └── disperseTitaniumPlateData.txt
│   ├── disperseTeflonPlateData.txt
├── documentation
│   ├──*
│   ├── example_template_file.m*
│   ├── functionTemplateFile.m*
│   ├── html
│   │   ├── ElasticMatrix.html
|   │   ├── example_dispersion_curve_PVDF_plate.html
│   │   ├── example_dispersion_curve_teflon_plate.html
│   │   ├── example_dispersion_curve_titanium_plate.html
│   │   ├── example_elasticmatrix_class.html
│   │   ├── example_extra_functions.html
│   │   ├── example_fabry_perot_directivity.html
│   │   ├── example_interface_parameters.html
│   │   ├── example_medium_class.html
│   │   ├── example_periodic_media.html
│   │   ├── example_plot_field_parameters.html
│   │   ├── example_plot_field_parameters_movie.html
│   │   ├── example_reflection_and_transmission.html
│   │   ├── example_slowness_profiles.html
│   │   ├── helptoc.xml
│   │   └── images
│   │       ├── elastic_matrix_banner.JPG
│   │       ├── ElasticMatrix - class diagram.png
│   │       └── sfg_example.JPG
│   └── references.txt
├── examples
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_PVDF_plate.m
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_teflon_plate.m
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_tissue_plate.m
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_titanium_plate.m
│   ├── example_elasticmatrix_class.m
│   ├── example_extra_functions.m
│   ├── example_fabry_perot_directivity.m
│   ├── example_fabry_perot_frequency_response.m
│   ├── example_interface_parameters.m
│   ├── example_medium_class.m
│   ├── example_periodic_media.m
│   ├── example_plot_field_parameters.m
│   ├── example_plot_field_parameters_movie.m
│   ├── example_reflection_and_transmission.m
│   └── example_slowness_profiles.m
├── examples_mlx
|   ├── example_dispersion_curve_PVDF_plate.mlx
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_teflon_plate.mlx
│   ├── example_dispersion_curve_titanium_plate.mlx
│   ├── example_elasticmatrix_class.mlx
│   ├── example_extra_functions.mlx
│   ├── example_fabry_perot_directivity.mlx
│   ├── example_interface_parameters.mlx
│   ├── example_medium_class.mlx
│   ├── example_periodic_media.mlx
│   ├── example_plot_field_parameters.mlx
│   ├── example_plot_field_parameters_movie.mlx
│   ├── example_reflection_and_transmission.mlx
│   └── example_slowness_profiles.mlx
├── src-pw
│   ├── calculateReflectionTransmissionAnalytic.m
│   ├── cls.m
│   ├── @ElasticMatrix
│   │   ├── calculateDispersionCurvesCoarse.m
│   │   ├── calculateDispersionCurves.m
│   │   ├── calculateField.m
│   │   ├── calculateFieldMatrixAnisotropic.m
│   │   ├── calculate.m
│   │   ├── calculateMatrixModelKf.m
│   │   ├── calculateMatrixModel.m
│   │   ├── disp.m
│   │   ├── ElasticMatrix.m
│   │   ├── getPartialWaveAmplitudes.m
│   │   ├── plotDispersionCurves.m
│   │   ├── plotField.m
│   │   ├── plotInterfaceParameters.m
│   │   ├── plotRTCoefficients.m
│   │   ├── save.m
│   │   ├── setAngle.m
│   │   ├── setFilename.m
│   │   ├── setFrequency.m
│   │   ├── setMedium.m
│   │   ├── setPhasespeed.m
│   │   └── setWavenumber.m
│   ├── @FabryPerotSensor
│   │   ├── calculateDirectivity.m
│   │   ├── disp.m
│   │   ├── FabryPerotSensor.m
│   │   ├── getDirectivity.m
│   │   ├── plotDirectivity.m
│   │   ├── setMirrorLocations.m
│   │   ├── setSpotDiameter.m
│   │   └── setSpotType.m
│   ├── findClosest.m
│   ├── findClosestMinimum.m
│   ├── findZeroCrossing.m
│   ├── materialList.m
│   ├── @Medium
|   │   ├── availableMaterials.m
│   │   ├── calculateAlphaCoefficients.m
│   │   ├── calculateSlowness.m
│   │   ├── disp.m
│   │   ├── getAcousticProperties.m
│   │   ├── lameConversion.m
│   │   ├── Medium.m
│   │   ├── mtimes.m
│   │   ├── plotSlowness.m
│   │   ├── plus.m
│   │   ├── setDensity.m
│   │   ├── setName.m
│   │   ├── setStiffnessMatrix.m
│   │   ├── setThickness.m
│   │   ├── soundSpeedDensityConversion.m
│   │   ├── state.m
│   │   └── times.m
│   ├── normMe.m
│   ├── printLineBreaks.m
│   └── sfg.m
├── testing*
│   ├── run_all_tests_and_examples.m*
│   ├── test_comparison_with_GMM.m*
│   ├── test_elasticmatrix_class.m*
│   ├── test_fabry_perot_directivity.m*
│   ├── test_fabry_perot_frequency_response.m*
│   ├── test_fabryperotsensor_class.m*
│   ├── test_main_functions.m*
│   ├── test_medium_class.m*
│   ├── test_n_layers_vs_calculation_time.m*
│   └── test_partial_wave_amplitudes.m*
├── testing_data**
│   ├── Beard1999FrequencyResponseFabryPerotData.mat**
│   ├── glassEtalonFabryPerotDirectivityData.mat**
│   └── gmmIsotropicModelData.mat**
├── info.xml
├── LICENSE.txt


[1] Ramasawmy, Danny R., et al. "ElasticMatrix: A MATLAB Toolbox for Anisotropic Elastic Wave Propagation in Layered Media.", (2019).

[2] Ramasawmy, Danny R., et al. "Analysis of the Directivity of Glass Etalon Fabry-Pérot Ultrasound Sensors." IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, (2019).

[3] Lowe, Michael JS. "Matrix techniques for modeling ultrasonic waves in multilayered media." IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, (1995).

[4] Nayfeh, Adnan H. "The general problem of elastic wave propagation in multilayered anisotropic media." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (1991).

[5] Pavlakovic, Brian, et al. "Disperse: A general purpose program for creating dispersion curves." Review of progress in quantitative nondestructive evaluation. Springer, Boston, (1997).

[6] Rose, Joseph L. "Ultrasonic guided waves in solid media." Cambridge university press, (2014).

[7] Cheeke, J. David N. "Fundamentals and applications of ultrasonic waves." CRC press, (2016).

[8] Beard, P. "Transduction mechanisms of the Fabry-Perot polymer film sensing concept for wideband ultrasound detection" IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, (1999).

[9] Cox, Benjamin T., and Paul C. Beard. "The frequency-dependent directivity of a planar Fabry-Perot polymer film ultrasound sensor." IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, (2007).


The ElasticMatrix software uses the partial-wave method to model elastic wave propagation in multilayered anisotropic media.







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