Beanie is a Docker registry web viewer powered by Elixir & Phoenix
The goal of Beanie is to allow a team to communicate effectively about the contents of their private Docker registry. Docker registry does not provide a particularly easy way to list images and their tags; Beanie uses the registry's REST API to extract this information and display it on a web page.
Beanie is still very much WIP and experimental. Feedback is welcome!
The usual Phoenix workflow applies here. This assumes you have Elixir, Phoenix, and Postgres installed. Eventually, I will make a Dockerfile for this and post the image on Dockerhub to make this easier.
mix deps.get
mix compile
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
mix phoenix.server
The included docker-compose.yml can launch a simple registry locally.
docker-compose up -d registry
Configure the repository via config/config.exs. Currently, only basic HTTP auth is supported.
config :beanie,
# ...
docker_registry: [:at_url, ["https://localhost:5000", "testuser", "testpasswd"]]
NOTE If you change your registry, you should reset the database by
calling mix ecto.reset
Pull the images by running docker-compose pull
. Then launch the
registry and Postgres databases:
docker-compose up -d registry
docker-compose up -d postgres
Build the node modules and your static assets:
docker-compose run --rm node npm install
docker-compose run --rm node ./node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build
Build the application:
rm -rf deps _build
docker-compose run --rm mix deps.get
docker-compose run --rm mix compile
docker-compose run --rm mix phoenix.digest
Then run it:
docker-compose up web
For development, you can build and push some small images using test_image/tiny.Dockerfile. The image will contain the file message.txt, so if you want to change the image, just change the file and rebuild.
cd test_image
docker build -t my_image -f tiny.Dockerfile .
docker tag my_image localhost:5000/my_image:first
docker login -u testuser -p testpasswd https://localhost:5000
docker push localhost:5000/my_image:first
echo "foo" > message.txt
docker build -t my_image -f tiny.Dockerfile .
docker tag my_image localhost:5000/my_image:latest
docker push localhost:500/my_image:latest