This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 22, 2022. It is now read-only.
Closed issues
- Extract pallets: space-history, posts-history, profile-history #31
- Clean up Cargo.toml-s after split-refactoring. There could be some unused dependencies #28
- Update types.json after split of social pallet completed #25
- Do full comparison of permissions in update_role() #24
- Add parent_id to Space struct #23
- Rename in SpacePermission enum: ***Any***s -> ***Any*** #17
- Refactor ipfs_hash to Content enum #16
- Move edit_history from structs to separate pallets #12
- Create Roles pallet #6
- Do not lowercase a blog handle #4
Merged pull requests
- Betanet (includes creation of 1k spaces) #50
- Add session keys pallet #49
- Implement permissions override feature for Spaces #47
- Refactor Profile's username to a handle similar to Space's one #46
- Slightly refactor Post pallet #45
- Update Substrate version to v2.0.0-rc4 #43
- Extract edit history to new pallets #42
- Add parent_id to Space struct #37
- Refactor IPFS hash to Content #36
- Move tests from before the monolith pallet was split #29
- Update types.json after split of social pallet #26
- Split social pallet into smaller pallets #19
- Split social's functions into more files #18
- Loose coupling of pallets: Roles + Social #10
- Add Subsocial pallets: social, permissions, roles, etc #9