Baton Messenger is B2B messenger for inter-firm collaboration and process automation. Baton is an open source CorDapp, built on Corda.
8 Node Network Graph | 28 Edges | 1 Notary
/--------\ /--------\ /--------\
| | | | | |
| PartyB | | PartyC | | PartyD |
| | | | | |
\--------/ \--------/ \--------/
/--------\ /--------\ /--------\
| | | | | |
| PartyA | | Notary | | PartyE |
| | | | | |
\--------/ \--------/ \--------/
/--------\ /--------\ /--------\
| | | | | |
| PartyH | | PartyG | | PartyF |
| | | | | |
\--------/ \--------/ \--------/
- Install the Baton Messenger CorDapp locally via Git:
git clone
- Deploy the Nodes
cd baton-messenger
gradle clean build
gradlew.bat deployNodes (Windows) OR ./gradlew deployNodes (Linux)
- Run the Nodes
cd build
cd nodes
runnodes.bat (Windows) OR ./runnodes (Linux)
- Run the Spring Boot Server
cd ..
cd ..
gradlew.bat runTemplateServer (Windows) OR .gradlew runTemplateServer
The Baton Messenger Network Interface will be running at localhost:10050
in your browser
To change the name of your organisation
or any other parameters, edit the node.conf
file and repeat the above steps.
Add the following to the node.conf
This is the current network map and doorman server URL for the DSOA Testnet
- Remove Existing Network Parameters and Certificates
cd build
cd nodes
cd Dapps
rm -rf nodeInfo-* network-parameters certificates additional-node-infos
- Download the Network Truststore
curl -o /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks
- Initial Node Registration
java -jar corda.jar --initial-registration --network-root-truststore /var/tmp/network-truststore.jks --network-root-truststore-password trustpass
- Start the Node
java -jar corda.jar
Coming Soon.
- Corda version: Corda 4.0
- Vault SQL Database: PostgreSQL
- Cloud Service Provider: GCP
- JVM or Kubernetes
So far, we get:
- Baton Messenger Spring Boot Webserver
- 8 Corda Nodes
Message States are transferred between stakeholders on the network.
The first state to be deployed on the network is the Message
. Version 0.1 of the Message
State has the following structure:
// *********
// * Message State *
// *********
data class Message(val id: UniqueIdentifier,
val body: String,
val fromUserId: String,
val to: Party,
val from: Party,
val toUserId: String,
val sentReceipt: Boolean?,
val deliveredReceipt: Boolean?,
val fromMe: Boolean?,
val time: String?,
val messageNumber: String,
override val participants: List<AbstractParty> = listOf(to, from)) : ContractState