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Based on pybind11, I created a Python module in C++. Possible minor changes and enhancements can be expected.

This module contains:

  • A function returning the n-th element of the Fibonacci sequence.

  • A function that returns numerical solution of the given ordinary differential equation (ODE) of order k:

    • x^{k}(t) = f(t, x(t),..., x^{k-1}(t))
    • x(t_{0}) = x_{0}
    • x'(t_{0}) = x'_{0}
    • ...
    • x^{k-1}(t_{0}) = x^{k-1}_{0}
  • A function returning a set of points (x, y, z) such that F(x, y, z) = 0 within provided bounds to each of variables x, y, z with provided error tolerance, nods granularity, and number of threads employed to find desired solution. Function uses string evaluation based on exprtk.hpp (see: ).

  • Vector class: This class is a 1-dimensional C++ container for template type data. Based on Vector class there is created a class Vector_d which is Python embedding of Vector<double>. Below is a list of functionalities available in the C++ class:

    • Template:
      • Default constructor
      • Constructor depending on the size of the Vector
      • Constructor based on the size of the Vector and a given coordinate
      • Constructor based on the std::vector data container
      • Constructor based on the object Vector
      • Destructor
    • Operators:
      • Assignation =
      • Comparison ==
      • Addition +
      • Coordinate-wise multiplication *
      • Multiplication by scalar *
      • Inner product operator ^
      • Input stream >>
      • Output stream <<
    • Insertion and appendation
    • Removal of coordinate by index or by value
    • Merge of two Vectors
    • Type conversion
    • Action of an external function in a given rolling window on Vector's coordinate
    • Sorting
    • Action of an external function on rows of several Vectors
    • Getting length and coordinate value by index
    • Iteration functionality (for Python usage only)
    • Modification of chosen coordinate
    • Returning of indices with provided values
    • Verification if a Vector has a given value stored in coords


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