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A relation between Air Quality Index & Healthcare Ranking of 52 states in USA to determine which state is good for living


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US Air Quality Index Healthcare

Problem Statements

In this project, we want to build some visulaization relations between Air Quality Index(AQI) & Overall Healthcare Rankings on Various factors. Based on this, we will decide, which state of USA is good for living & safe to lead a healthy life. Based on various factors, we will also get ideas about current environment situation in USA.

Data Collections Sources

Final Conclusion/Interesting Facts

  1. Hawaii the best place among all the states of the USA. However, the costing of healthcare expenses at Hawaii is extremely high. So, if you don't belong from High Income Society or Mid-High Income Society, you may think acouple of times to settle down in Hawaii. Still, Good Healthcare system with good Air Quality Index make hawai the best destination to spend your vacations.

  2. North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Delaware, Nevada, Arizona, Maryland, Texas, Massachusetts, South Dakota, West Virginia, Texas, Arizona have the best healthcare outcome factors with good air qualities. Besides, the cost of healthcare is comparetively lower than many states in USA. So, these states are the perfect place to settle down for the middle or lower middle class family. People who come from Developing Country like Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Nepal & others are always mostly prefer these states for higher studies, job or settle down.

  3. Although Virginia has good air quality & modearate healthcare facilites, but this state is very tough to live at this moment(June 2023-August 2023). My model predicted the issue behind that. Here is the another source, that confirm my model accuracy:

Currently Virgia is leading a unhealthy air quality situation. With the moderate healthcare system, it's obvious to struggle to lead a healthy life.

  1. California has the wrost air quality & due to poor heaalthcare system, this states has become extrmely tough to lead a healthy life. Even though Big IT industries, Corporate organization have their headquatars & main workforce having a high income, still messy healthcare system make their life too tough to live. They always have to spend lots of money to keep them healthy.

  2. New Jersey, Rhodes Island, Ohiho, Washington DC are the worst places to settle down. Both Good Air Quality & Helthcare are below average. Although Rhodes Island has the great healthcare system, but you have to spend lots of money to keep yourself fit. Because, the healthcare system of Rhodes Island is known for massive charging in healthcare sectors.

  3. Like Hawaii, Pennsylvania is also another good place with costly healthcare system.

  4. Busy city like New-York has the clean air that is suitable to live, but it has moderate healthcare system. Sometimes, you may suffer due to lack of facilities or extrme cost of healthcare system.

I have provided all data, requested to conduct more researches. We believe in team work, so you can freely download these resources, analyse them & keep your contribution with Data Analytics Skills.

Build from sources

  1. Clone the repo
git clone
  1. Intialize and activate virtual environment
virtualenv --no-site-packages  venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Download Chrome WebDrive from
  2. Run the scrapers
python -u 

Notes: there are multiple files. Run it based on your required tasks.

Data Visualization

Outcome Factors vs Good Air Qualities:

Overall Visual Representation of AQI vs Healthcare Ranking:

All Scores based on various states:

Relation Between Good Air Qualities & other factors(Avg Healthcare Ranking, Facilities scores) :

Relation Between Good Air Quality & Overall Current Ranking(Helathcare & Higher Is The Best):

Relation Between 2023 Overall Ranking & Cost Factor Ranking:

A Map Visualization Between Good Air Quality & 2023 Overall Healthcare Score:

A visual representation of good air quality & bad air quality for all states:


A relation between Air Quality Index & Healthcare Ranking of 52 states in USA to determine which state is good for living








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