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Developer Application - Eduardo Quadros

Cover Letter

Hey! I'm a software engineer focused on developing mobile applications. I've been coding for iOS for almost three years now, and on Android for a few months.


Plenty! I love JS and all the ecosystem around it. I want to contribute from Affinibox as much as possible while reaching to become a fullstack JS developer, which is one of my main career goals. I have so much to talk, but let's get to business. Hope you enjoy it!



Question 01: What are the steps you need to take before you can clone this project?

After installation, I should set my user profile:

git config --global "Eduardo Quadros"
git congit --global ""

Considering I have access to the repository:

git clone

Question 02: How could you create a branch with your name?

To help maintaining code through development, testing and production phases, different branches are used. Usually master branch is reserved for production code. This creates a branch based on the latest work from a hypothetical branch named development:

git checkout -b "eduardo" "development"

Question 03: Create a new file named .txt

As suggested:

cat > file.txt

Hello, world.

Question 04: Create a commit with that file

First I need to exclusively add the file so git can track it:

git add file.txt

Then commit to it:

git commit -m "Add a new text file."

Question 05: What would be the command to push your branch?

git push -u origin eduardo

The -u option will make tracking easier.

Question 06: Why would you push your branch?

First and foremost, to avoid losing work. Pushing to remote can spread copies and make it accessible to collaborators.

Question 07: Why would a push fail? How would you solve it?

Network; a previous branch with the same name; something messed up with settings... an endless list. To solve it, I need to make sure I can properly push new branches, and that nothing conflicts.

Question 08: What would be the command to merge your branch into master?

Since I based my work on development, I need to merge my code to it before merging to master. But the same principle applies:

git checkout development

And make sure I have the latest work commited to development:

git pull origin development
git merge eduardo
git push origin development

Question 09: Why would you merge?

To literally add my work to the existing code so collaborators can integrate new features or add bug fixes to production code.


Question 10: What would be the code to get the value of the input from the event?

The event produced is called KeyboardEvent. To extract a raw value, I would:

document.getElementById("foo").onkeypress = (event) => {

Question 11: What would be the code to get the value of the input from the event?

I would grab the keyCode property from the event. The ENTER key is set to 13.

document.getElementById("foo").onkeypress = (event) => {
    if (event.keyCode == 13) {
        console.log("Enter key pressed.");

Question 12: Use map and filter to convert '12 as 12 as 12'.split(' ') to [12,12,12].

First, I convert all strings to numbers:

var a = "12 as 12 as 12".split(" ");

a = => {
    return Number(element);

Which results in [12, NaN, 12, NaN, 12]. Now I need to filter numbers:

a = a.filter((element) => {
    return !(isNaN(element));

And there you have it: [12,12,12].

Question 13: Answer with the code you wrote.

To extract properties from objects, I must:


I also need to iterate on keys and values to add them to an appropriate position on the new object.

theArray.forEach((element) => {
    /* Iterate through elements. */

The final result is:

var a = "[{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]";

a = a.reduce((accumulator, element) => {
    Object.keys(element).forEach((item) => {
        accumulator[item] = element[item];
    return accumulator;
}, {});


Which outputs: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }.

Question 14: What will be the printed message? How would you compare the objects A and B?

It prints "JavaScript thinks these objects are not equal" because JS only compares values for primitive types. For any other type it compares using references. Since A and B are different instances of objects allocated in different memory positions, testing will always result in false.

There're tons of ways to compare equality of values in objects, but I'd use the function _.isEqual() from the Lodash library.

Question 15: Answer with the code of your implementation.

As desired:

function upperKey(object) {
    let key = (Object.keys(object))[0];
    let value = (Object.values(object))[0];
    let newObject = {};

    newObject[key.toUpperCase()] = (typeof(value) === "object")
        ? upperKey(value)
        : value;
    return newObject;

Question 16: Answer with the code you wrote.

Since I was given the choice, I chose the fetch API here. It's important to say I strongly dislike jQuery in favor for VanillaJS. Also, I've read about Axios and I kind of like it. Maybe I'll use it for future projects.

<script type="text/javascript">
    const URL = "";
    const responseTitleKey = "title"

    fetch(URL).then((response) => {
        response.json().then((data) => {
    }).catch((error) => {

Question 17: Write a simple line of code to show you know setTimeout

The function bellow displays an alert after 3 seconds:

const sayHello = () => {
    alert("Delayed hello, world!");

setTimeout(sayHello, 3000);

Question 18: Explain what it does

setInterval executes a code repeatedly with some time interval in between. clearInterval is self-explanatory.

Question 19: Write a simple line of code to show you know setInterval and clearInterval

The block bellow will log numbers to console indefinitely until cancelRepeat is called.

let count = 0;

const intervalID = setInterval(() => {
}, 2000);

function cancelRepeat(ID) {

Question 20: Convert the code above use Promises instead of callbacks

I've never wrote any code that uses Promises, but after learning about it from the mentioned article I chose to implement this using ES2017 specification, which includes async and await keywords that I find are interesting to use:

Here I define some constants:

const fs = require("fs");
const fp = "./somefile.txt";

Then I create a function to encapsulate the Promise code:

async function tryToRead(filepath) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.readFile(filepath, (error, content) => {
            if (error) {
                reject(new Error("Failed to read file."));
            } else {

And then a function to use try and catch:

async function read(filepath) {
    try {
        let content = await tryToRead(filepath);
        console.log(`Found content: ${content}`);
    } catch (error) {

Finally, call the read function:


Question 21: What is the resulting phrase?

The program outputs the following to the console:

Hello Maria, my name is Jimmy
Hello Maria, my name is not Jimmy

Question 22: How does it work?

The first line is pretty trivial, but the second one works by binding a new value to the this scope in Person. It replaces the name property within the function scope, without actually replacing the value within the class.


Question 23: What file / line you had to change?

I don't know much about Webpack as I'd like, so instead I inspected the page to find the hex code for the gameboy and then searched for it in the project folder. Then replaced efcc19 for the steelblue color:

// file /src/containers/index.less
// line 84

background: #4682b4;

Question 24: Show the command to add lodash to this project

The easiest way is to use npm:

npm i --save lodash

Question 25: npm install would know lodash is a dependency on fresh install? If so, how?

No, although I'm not certain. Lodash could be a dependency of another dependency. Anyway, I could add it to package.json.

Question 26: What is the result of the statement above?

{A: 1, B: 2, C: 3}

Question 27: What is the result of the statement above?

{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}

Question 28: Implement the function above using lodash and answer with the source

This one took me a lot of effort, because I actually have to deal with: [{},{},{}].

const foo = (...args) => {
    return _.chain(input)
            .map((item) => [_.head(_.keys(item)).toUpperCase(), _.head(_.values(item))])

Question 29: Add a script to package JSON so that:

First, I create the scrip itself:

cat > hello.js

console.log("Hello world!");

Then I have to add the script to package.json for npm to be able to find it:

"scripts": {
    "start": "webpack-dev-server --progress",
    "build": "rm -rf ./build/* && webpack --config ./webpack.production.config.js --progress && ls ./build",
    "hello": "node hello.js"

Question 30: Write a code that prints the contents of the env variable

envTest.js should look like this:


Question 31: What is the value of the statement, __dirname + '/server'?

It should be the full path for the server folder in the system.

Question 32: Answer with your code for readMany

After a quick glance at bluebird docs, I read that readFileAsync() throws an error in case of failure:

const B = require('bluebird');
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = B.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
const errorMessage = "<file empty or non-existing>";

const readMany = (...filepaths) => B.all(, filepath =>
          .then(content => content.toString())
          .catch(error => errorMessage)

readMany('./fileone','./filetwo', './filethree').then(contents => console.log(contents.join('\n')))

Question 33: Give the npm command to install all the external dependencies

Dependencies are listed as requirements within myserver.js.

npm install express cookie-parser body-parser

Question 34: Answer with your code for app.use('/sum', (req, res, next) => { ... })

First, I have to reorder the endpoint callback a few lines up, otherwise it won't call it. Then:

app.use("/sum", (req, res, next) => {
    res.json(Number(req.query["a"]) + Number(req.query["b"]));


Question 35: Rewrite times in the least number of characters as possible using arrow functions.

Function composition is awesome!

const times = t => x => x * t;

Question 36: What was the command you used?

After creating file_a.js and file_b.js and put them in a new folder, I had install babel using a specific preset:

npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-preset-es2015

Use Babel to transpile files:

node_modules/.bin/babel . -d ./dist

All I have to do to make sure it all works is run:

node file_b.js

Question 37: Will the code above work?


Question 38: Why to import just map?

I'm just gonna quote Bruce from Stackoverflow:

import _map from 'lodash/has' is better because lodash holds all it's functions in a single file, so rather than import the whole 'lodash' library at 100k, it's better to just import lodash's _map function which is maybe 2k.

Question 39: Answer with your implementation of arrTimes

It's for functionalities like these that the beauty of functional programming stands out:

const arrTimes = (multiplier, ...args) => {
    return => {
        return multiplier * element;

const test = arrTimes(10, 1, 2, 3, 4);


Question 40: In a few words, what is React?

React is a JavaScript library for building interfaces. Its strenght is component based and the virtual DOM diff algorithms.

Question 41: In a few words, what is React Native?

React Native is a framework to build Android and iOS apps using JavaScript and works very similarly to React. It's different from typical hybrid framworks because it compiles JS to native code. I've never used it, but the fact that Instagram, Airbnb and even Tesla are using it is reason enough to pay attention.

Question 42: For all the methods of the class above, answer the questions:

  1. It provides a way to execute something before the component initialization.
  2. props - An object containing state.
  3. This is used when the component will initialize with some state.
  1. It's called before render().
  2. None.
  3. It's the only hook called if one's doing server rendering.
  1. Called immediately after the component is mounted.
  2. None.
  3. Great for doing network requests, as setting new state will trigger a re-rendering.
  1. Called before umnounting and the component gets destroyed.
  2. None.
  3. Used to perform any cleaning.
  1. Called before a mounted component gets new props.
  2. nextProps - object containing the state to get updated.
  3. To compare state changes.
  1. Is called before rendering when new props or state are being received.
  2. nextProps, nextState
  3. Useful to tell React a component do not need to re-render after an update. Note that a render may still occur.
  1. It puts everything together and returns a component or an actual DOM element.
  2. No parameters here.
  3. It's required.


Question 43: a SELECT statement that reads all the TradingNames of the AffinityGroup

I don't have any SQL software on my machine, but this website came handy!

This is the easiest one:

SELECT tradingName FROM affinityGroup

Question 44: a SELECT with JOIN that reads all the Names of the owners of an AffinityGroup

AffinityGroup and User both share a property on:

SELECT name FROM user INNER JOIN affinityGroup ON

Question 45: the statement that reads all the Names of Users that are not owners of an AffinityGroup:

SELECT * FROM user WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT ownerId FROM affinityGroup);

Question 46: the first select ordering by AffinityGroup.TradingName

This gives the first result:

SELECT * FROM affinityGroup ORDER BY tradingName LIMIT 1;

Question 47: a query that returns only the first letter of the name and the full surname for every user

SELECT SUBSTRING(name,1,1), surname FROM user


Question 48: What would be the command to open all css files in a folder using Sublime from terminal using the commands above?

I'd build a regex to match all CSS extensions.


And then attach it to the find command:

find /a_folder -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex "*.(css|sass|scss|less)" | xargs subl

Question 49: What would be the command to access root on on port 2222?


ssh root@ -p 2222

Question 50: Based on the examples above, what would be command to change white to aliceblue in all CSS files in a folder?

I would combine the previous command to find all CSS files within a folder:

find /a_folder -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex "*.(css|sass|scss|less)"

To the command to replace text within a file:

find /a_folder -type f -regextype "posix-extended" -iregex "*.(css|sass|scss|less)" -exec sed -i 's/times/vezes/g' "{}" \;


Question 51: In your own words, what is a container and why to use it?

A container is basically an alternative to virtual machines for isolated environments. It runs on the same kernel and filesystem as the host OS, so it requires a lot less space and RAM.

Question 52: In your own words, what is Docker?

Docker is a container platform, and its power comes from the Dockerfile, an intuitive way to handle configuration.

Question 53: How to this Dockerfile so instead of copying node_modules from the local machine it installs using npm.

By replacing line 9 for:

RUN npm install

Question 54: Knowing the above, answer with the command to start a Postgres container on your machine at port 5432.

docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres

Question 55: What was the variable and what was it's value?

The variable was POSTGRES_PASSWORD and its value was mysecretpassword.

Question 56: What would be the command to start a mysql instance?

docker run -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mySecretPassword mysql


Question 57: Explain what is kubernetes in your own words? (portuguese, if needed)

From what I learned, Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. It can be used to clusterize containers, managing scaling, individual configuration, and monitoring data.


Question 58: What is the color of the text of the a element?

Following the CSS specificity order, the <a> element will inherit color from:

#root a {
    color: green;

Question 59: How to make it so the items are in a column and it look like:

I simply added these lines to .my-menu class:

flex-direction: column;
justify-content: space-between;

Question 60: How to make it so the items are centralized on the page with the space around them, like:

The CSS will look like this:

.my-menu {
    display: flex;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;

.my-link {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;


No problem! I would like to take the time to thank you for a concise test. Looking forward to hearing from you and possibly get a feedback. Regards!


Job application challenge for Affinibox.






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