This utility scans a BigQuery SQL in search for several possible anti-patterns.
Identifying these anti-patterns is the first step in optimizing a SQL since these
usually have high performance impact.
For example:
Example: Input:
All columns on table: project.dataset.table1 are being selected. Please be sure that all columns are needed
- gcloud CLI
- Docker
Build utility
mvn clean package jib:dockerBuild -DskipTests
Run simple inline query
docker run \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--query "SELECT * FROM \`project.dataset.table1\`"
Read from file and write output to terminal
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/samples/queries:/samples/queries \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--input_file_path /samples/queries/input/multipleCTEs.sql
Read from folder and write output to csv
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/samples/queries:/samples/queries \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--input_folder_path /samples/queries/input \
--output_file_path /samples/queries/output/results.csv
Read from csv and output to csv
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/samples/csv:/samples/csv \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--input_csv_file_path /samples/csv/input/input_queries.csv \
--output_file_path /samples/csv/output/results.csv
Read from information schema and write to output table:
- Create a table with the following DDL:
CREATE TABLE <my-project>.<my-dateset>.antipattern_output_table (
job_id STRING,
query STRING,
recommendation ARRAY<STRUCT<name STRING, description STRING>>,
slot_hours FLOAT64,
process_timestamp TIMESTAMP
- Authenticate
gcloud auth login
- Read from INFORMATION_SCHEMA write to table in BigQuery
docker run \
-v ~/.config:/root/.config \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--read_from_info_schema \
--read_from_info_schema_days 1 \
--processing_project_id <my-project> \
--output_table "<my-project>.<my-dateset>.antipattern_output_table"
Run using advanced analytics
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/samples/queries:/samples/queries \
-v ~/.config:/root/.config \
-i bigquery-antipattern-recognition \
--advanced_analysis \
--analyzer_default_project bigquery-public-data \
--input_file_path /samples/queries/input/joinOrder.sql
One option to deploy the BigQuery Anti Pattern Recognition tool is deploying to Cloud Run jobs. Cloud Run jobs can help you easily deploy the tool as a container and later trigger it, either manually or on a schedule.
In order to deploy the tool to Cloud Run Jobs, you'll need to:
- Package the tool into a container and push it to Artifact Registry
- Create the Cloud Run job using the container and your desired configuration
- Trigger the job, either manually or on a schedule
Terraform module builds and deploys the BigQuery Antipattern Recognition tool to Cloud Run Jobs. The tool will be configured to, in each execution, perform antipattern recognition of all jobs run during the previous 24 hours and write the results to a BigQuery table. Optionally, it can deploy a Cloud Scheduler cron to run the job on a schedule.
Click here to access the Terraform code and for instructions on deploying using Terraform.
To deploy using the gcloud CLI follow the instructions below.
Setup deployment configuration
export PROJECT_ID="" # Project ID where resources are created export REGION="us-central1" # Region for Artifact Registry, Cloud Run and Cloud Scheduler export REPOSITORY="bigquery-antipattern-recognition" # Artifact Registry repository name export CONTAINER_IMAGE="$$PROJECT_ID/$REPOSITORY/recognizer:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT" export CLOUD_RUN_JOB_NAME="bigquery-antipattern-recognition" # Name for the Cloud Run job export CLOUD_RUN_JOB_SA="" # Service account associated to the Cloud Run job export OUTPUT_TABLE="" # BigQuery output table for the Anti Pattern Detector
Create an Artifact Registry Repository, if necessary
gcloud artifacts repositories create $REPOSITORY \ --repository-format=docker \ --location=$REGION \ --project=$PROJECT_ID
Build and push the container image to Artifact Registry
gcloud auth configure-docker $ mvn clean package jib:build \ -DskipTests \$CONTAINER_IMAGE
Create the Cloud Run Job
This example configuration reads all queries for the previous day from
, runs antipattern detection and writes the result to the configuredOUTPUT_TABLE
.gcloud run jobs create $CLOUD_RUN_JOB_NAME \ --image=$CONTAINER_IMAGE \ --max-retries=3 \ --task-timeout=15m \ --args="--read_from_info_schema" \ --args="--read_from_info_schema_days" --args="1" \ --args="--processing_project_id" --args="$PROJECT_ID" \ --args="--output_table" --args="\\\`$OUTPUT_TABLE\\\`" \ --service-account=$CLOUD_RUN_JOB_SA \ --region=$REGION \ --project=$PROJECT_ID
(Optional) Trigger the job manually
gcloud run jobs execute $CLOUD_RUN_JOB_NAME \ --region=$REGION \ --project=$PROJECT_ID \ --wait
(Optional) Run the job on a schedule using Cloud Scheduler
export CLOUD_RUN_INVOKER_SA="" # Service account that will invoke the job gcloud scheduler jobs create http $CLOUD_RUN_JOB_NAME-trigger \ --location=$REGION \ --schedule="0 5 * * *" \ --uri="https://$$PROJECT_ID/jobs/$CLOUD_RUN_JOB_NAME:run" \ --http-method="POST" \ --oauth-service-account-email="$CLOUD_RUN_INVOKER_SA"
--query="SELECT ... FROM ..."
To parse SQL string provided via CLI.
To read input queries from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS.
Specifies how many days of INFORMATION_SCHEMA to read
Must be set along with `--read_from_info_schema`.
Defaults to 1.
Specifies what variant of INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JONS to read from.
Specifies path to file with SQL string to be parsed. Can be local file or GCS file.
Specifies path to folder with SQL files to be parsed. Will parse all .sql in directory.
Can be a local path or a GCS path
Specifies a CSV file as input, each row is a SQL string to be parsed.
Columns must be ""id,query"
Specifies a CSV file as output, each row is a SQL string to be parsed.
Columns are "id,recommendation"
Specifies table to which write results to. Assumes that the table already exits.
Specifies what project provides the compute used to read from INFORMATION_SCHEMA
and/or to write to output table (i.e. project where BQ jobs will execute)
Only needed if the input is INFORMATION_SCHEMA or if the output is a BQ table.
All columns on table: project.dataset.table1 are being selected. Please be sure that all columns are needed
`project.dataset.table1` t1
cross JOIN " +
`project.dataset.table2` t2
t1.col1 = t2.col1;
CROSS JOIN between tables: project.dataset.table1 and project.dataset.table2. Try to change for a INNER JOIN if possible.
`project.dataset.table1` t1
t1.col2 not in (select col2 from `project.dataset.table2`);
You are using an IN filter with a subquery without a DISTINCT on the following columns: project.dataset.table1.col2
This is not an officially supported Google product.