Richard Vowles, Software Developer (https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-vowles-72035193/)
Irina Southwell (https://nz.linkedin.com/in/irina-southwell-9727a422)
This is an extension of the Counter example that comes with flutter. The api simply adds a reset, increase and get api.
api - holds the OpenAPI specification yaml file for the back-end Counter service.
java-server - holds the java server code
example_mobile_client - holds the flutter client
dart_e2e - holds the e2e tests for the back-end service written in Dart and using Ogurets - Cucumber for Dart package
dart_api - holds the generated code for the e2e client
You can build it as a Docker image:
cd java-server mvn -Pdocker clean package docker load -i target/jib-image.tar docker-compose up
It will be running on port 8076, and you can check this with a curl:
curl -v http://localhost:8076/counter
cd dart_api
run the following command to generate client code with Open API Dart codegen plugin
java -cp openapi-generator-cli-4.2.1.jar:openapi-dart-generator-2.2.jar org.openapitools.codegen.OpenAPIGenerator generate -i ../api/src/main/resources/counter.yaml — additional-properties pubName=counterapi -g dart2-api — enable-post-process-file
alternatively if you have maven installed you can run
mvn clean generate-sources
to install dart dependencies run
pub get
cd dart_e2e pub get dart --enable-asserts tests/ogurets_run.dart
Launch iOS or Android emulator
cd example_mobile_client pub get dart --enable-asserts test_driver/ogurets_flutter_test.dart
note, one scenario should fail for demo purposes of an error case
read more on Ogurets-Cucumber for Dart here https://github.com/dart-ogurets/Ogurets
There are a few deliberate design decisions here, it is only an example and certainly not one we would run in a production scenario. It is missing:
an api lifecycle to shutdown the server
healthcheck endpoints
proper jersey configuration for exception handling, bean validation, logging and tracing
proper logging infrastructure that is k8s aware