I set out to create a calculator app so I could improve my CSS and JS skills. The project attempted has all the features of a basic calculator, and also a way to change the theme. The guide came with a style guide so I could get the correct colours too. I chose this specific calculator guide since I liked the added challenge of the different themes, which although I followed the guide quite strictly, it allowed me to spend more time practicing how to code in the languages used in this.
I did it alone with the help of a guide online.
I improved my Css and JS skills with the tutorial cited at the bottom. There was a 10 hour long guide which I watched bit by bit to try and learn CSS becuase I have not been exposed to CSS much before, so I needed this to help me understand what I was actually doing, and then there was a guide for the calculator project which I followed quite strictly in order to get my final product. Both guides have been attached.
Patrick Carey
The Challenge: The Guide: The CSS Guide: The JS Guide: