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Terraform Azure


The diagram below describes the DataMasque reference architecture in Azure. This blueprint can be used to create backup copy of masked production Azure SQL database which then can be used to provision the masked non-production database.

Reference deployment

Following Azure resources will be provisioned by the blueprint:

  • Azure Logic App
  • Azure Function App
  • Azure Storage Account



  • Active Azure Subscription with a User account that has owner role in it.
  • Azure CLI:
  • Python runtime 3.9.7 installed.
  • A DataMasque instance.
  • Azure SQL server and SQL database (source database).
  • DataMasque Connection ID and Ruleset ID must be provided. Ensure that the connection is set up to connect to source_database_name-datamasque. For example, if your source SQL Server name is, your connection should be configured to

Step-by-step process to deploy the logic app.

Store the DataMasque instance credentials and login credentials for Azure SQL server in Azure Key vault.

The secret need to follow the format as below :

  "administratorLogin": "sqlserveradmin",
  "administratorLoginPassword": "sqlserverpassword",
  "username": "datamasque",
  "password": "Example$P@ssword"
Capture values for following parameters used by the deployment process:
Parameter Description
SubscriptionId Azure Subscription id where the resources will be deployed.
ResourceGroup Resource Group id where the resources will be deployed.
DatamasqueBaseUrl DataMasque instance URL with the EC2's private IP, i.e. https://<ec2-instance-private-ip>.
DatamasqueKeyVault Azure Keyvault name.
SecretName Secret name contains DataMasque instance credentials. vault.
DatamasqueConnectionId DataMasque connection ID.
DatamasqueRuleSetId DataMasque rulset ID.
StorageUrl Storage Account Url.
StorageKey Storage Account Key.
The blueprint relies on below network configurations to successfully complete the execution.
  • Allow connectivity between the source Azure SQL server allow inbound connections from the DataMasque instance. The configuration will be replicated on the staging Azure SQL server thats created during execution.
  • The DataMasque instance should allow inbound connections from the datamasque_run and wait_datamasque_job functions.
  • Grant permissions for Azure function to use the Key vault secret.

Logic App Execution

Invoke an execution manually

You can manually trigger the Logic App by providing the JSON below. The Logic App will use the values from the trigger body instead of the predefined parameters.

    "DBInstanceIdentifier": "source_sql_database",
    "ResourceGroup": "source_resource_group",
    "DATAMASQUE_CONNECTION_ID": "20f5436c-74a5-4a08-8e12-0c00f5f2787a",
    "DATAMASQUE_RULESET_ID": "d0725d9d-c7bf-4736-863d-a994c0f3f8e3"

The DataMasque connection ID provided in above json must not be configured to connect to the production database.

Schedule data masking execution

Creates a Logic App that shedules a trigger once a week which is disabled by default.

"triggers": {
    "Recurrence": {
        "evaluatedRecurrence": {
            "frequency": "Day",
            "interval": 7
        "recurrence": {
            "frequency": "Day",
            "interval": 7
        "type": "Recurrence"
  • The staging SQL server will have the same SQL server name schema as the source database with a -datamasque sufix:
SQL server Endpoint
Source SQL server
Staging SQL server
  • The Azure SQL server username, password is obtained from Azure Key Vault.
  • The staging Azure SQL server instance created by the function app will be deleted after the execution finishes.
  • The masked Azure SQL database backup created by the function app will be preserved at the end of the execution.

Azure Function definition

The following table describes the states and details of the step function definition.

Step Description
Describe source database Fetch database with the latest creation time in the target Azure SQL server (single database)
Describe SQL server Fetch the configuration of the target Azure SQL server
Create staging SQL server Create a staging Azure SQL server from the configuration of the target Azure SQL server
Wait Until staging SQL server is being created
Describe network Get all public ip addresses in resource group
Create Firewall for staging SQL server Create a firewall rule for the staging Azure SQL server
Copy source database to the staging SQL server A database copy is a transactionally consistent snapshot of the source database as of a point in time after the copy request is initialed
Wait Until database copy is in progress
Datamasque API run Create a masking job based on the connection id and ruleset provided
Wait Until masking job is completed
Export masking database Export a masking database to blob storage
Wait a Until database export to blob storage is in progress
Delete staging sql server Delete the staging Azure SQL server

Azure function definition


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