A complete AndroidMultipleMediaPicker with Marshmallow Permission handling, record a video from camera, capture an image from camera, select multiple images and multiple videos from gallery in one module.
This repository provide below options:
public static int OPEN_CAMERA_FOR_IMAGE = 1; // only camera for image
public static int OPEN_CAMERA_FOR_VIDEOS = 2; // only camera for recording
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_IMAGE = 3; // only select image from gallery
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_VIDEOS = 4; // only select videos from gallery
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_IMAGES_VIDEOS = 5; // only image and videos both
6. If you want full mode like camera for image, camera for videos, image selection, gallery selection.
public static int OPEN_FULL_MODE = 6; // camera for image, camera for video, gallery_images, gallery videos
intent.putExtra(AppConstants.MODE, AppConstants.OPEN_FULL_MODE);
For Multiple media picker All (Camera, camera video, images, videos):
1. Copy mediapicker (module folder) in your application as module.
2. Add module in your application build file.
implementation project(':mediapicker')
3. Call below method at your button tap.
void openDNAMediaPicker() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, DNAGalleryPickerActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(AppConstants.MODE, AppConstants.OPEN_FULL_MODE);
intent.putExtra(AppConstants.MAX_SELECTION, AppConstants.MAX_MEDIA_COUNT); // default 5
startActivityForResult(intent, AppConstants.OPEN_MEDIA_PICKER);
4. To Received MediaFile override activity result:
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
if (requestCode == AppConstants.OPEN_MEDIA_PICKER) {
// Make sure the request was successful
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && data != null) {
List<String> path = data.getStringArrayListExtra(AppConstants.RESULT);
if (path != null) {
1. It can be work for below mode:
public static int OPEN_CAMERA_FOR_IMAGE = 1; // only camera for image
public static int OPEN_CAMERA_FOR_VIDEOS = 2; // only camera for recording
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_IMAGE = 3; // only select image from gallery
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_VIDEOS = 4; // only select videos from gallery
public static int OPEN_GALLERY_IMAGES_VIDEOS = 5; // only image and videos both
public static int OPEN_FULL_MODE = 6; // camera for image, camera for video, gallery_images, gallery videos
intent.putExtra(AppConstants.MODE, AppConstants.OPEN_FULL_MODE);
2. Its handle marshmallow runtime permission.
3. You can set no of selection. default file selection is 5.
intent.putExtra(AppConstants.MAX_SELECTION, AppConstants.MAX_MEDIA_COUNT);