Residential appliance automation with the Raspberry Pi.
This particular sump pump was designed to prevent lawn damage due to moisture output from residential heaters and A/C units. The water from the appliances is routed to the sump where the Pi monitors the water level sensors and operates the pump when needed.
Later stages of this application will output the reclaimed water to a reservoir where it will be used for gardening; the Pi will also control the watering schedule.
SQlite >= 3.35: sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
OpenSSL: sudo apt install libssl-dev
This struct collects the hardware interfaces and is intended to be a singleton for the lifetime of the program. Other threads can read the state of inputs or change outputs via synchronous access (Mutex).
Are configured with a callback that triggers when the state changes between high and low. These callbacks send messages that aggregate in the consumer of an mpsc channel for processing.
Controlled by the mpsc consumer, the state of output pins is computed.
Group of inputs/callback handlers and outputs that form the sump pump functionality.
RPi 3 Model B
12v Relay
- 4in. sewer pipe assembly from retail home improvement store
- standard pvc cement
- 5v float switches
- aquarium pump
- flexible pvc
- hobby-grade acrylic sheet
- zip ties