This repository is a place for ICL students to put their Leet Code solutions for reference and possible improvement. The goal is to add our solutions after our weekly Leet Code meetings so those that missed have a reference for what we did. We will also be updating this repo with the backlog of completed solutions when we have time. Note: Some of these solutions are our initial attempts and are not great solutions. Some solutions will have little or no comments.
There are three main directories in this repo: easy, medium, and hard. As the names suggest, they determine the difficulty of the problem as shown on the Leet Code website. The solution file only needs to have the solution function and any helper functions needed for the solution to run on Leet Code. If you want to test a solution, you will have to run it on the Leet Code website for now. We may add a test suite in the future if we have extra time.
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