Phalcon Eye - CMS based on Phalcon PHP Framework (
- Version: 0.4.1
- Requirements: PHP >= 5.4, Phalcon = 1.3.0, mod_rewrite, zlib, mbstring, mcrypt, iconv, gd, fileinfo, zip
- Website:
- Install Phalcon (1.3.1 version is required, how to do this:
- If you cloned it PhalconEye from github you can run ant task (ant dist) and get package as zip.
- Unzip (or copy) CMS code to your webserver.
- 'public' directory must be set as server's web root.
- Go to and you will see the installation process. If you installing CMS not in webroot (e.g.: you must edit configuration in /app/config/development/application.php and set value of 'baseUrl' to your subdirectory path (as for e.g.: '/phalconeye/'). Visit site.
- Follow the installation process.
Note: If you want to reinstall, set option 'installed' to 'false' in /app/var/data/app.php.
Feel free to contribute.
- Found a bug? Try to find it in issue tracker ... If this bug is missing - you can add an issue about it.
- Want to discuss? Visit and create topic that is interesting for you.
- Can/want/like develop? Create pull request and we will check it in nearest time! Just don't forget to check code styling (you can run it via command "ant check") and please don't miss file and class headers (also add yourself as an author if you have changed something).
PhalconEye CMS code style is checked via Travis CI service. Every commit pushed to this repository will queue a build into the continuous integration service to run phpmd and phpcs checks.
- jQuery: (MIT)
- CKEditor: (GPL, LGPL and MPL)
- Pydio: (Affero GPL)
- lessphp: (GPL3/MIT)
Phalcon Eye CMS is open-source software licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE.txt file for more information.