Containerized development environment, which contains:
- tmux
- neovim
- lazygit
- devcontainer-cli
- kubectl, helm and k9s for kubernetes
... and more.
The base Dockerfile is responsible for creating the base that consists of the needed tools. On the other hand the user Dockerfile is dynamically creating a user specific environment based on the IDs of the user.
There might be some manual steps to follow regarding your needs.
- xclip (X11)
- wl-clipboard (Wayland)
Edit the docker-compose.yaml
file and uncomment the lines regarding the environment you want to use.
wl-clipboard will need the messagbus
user and group, that you might need to set up manually:
sudo groupadd -g 101 messagebus
sudo useradd -r -K SYS_UID_MIN=100 -K SYS_UID_MAX=999 -d /nonexistent -g messagebus -s /usr/sbin/nologin -u 100 messagebus
Please use the ./
script that collects the required user and group IDs and initiate the container creation. The compose file will mount the user /home directory. This helps you utilize your configurations to keep it on the host, but also use it inside the container, so there is not need to COPY the configs each time to the container. Users and groups are also mounted in read-only mode to ensure proper permissions.
Exec into container:
docker exec -it dev-environment bash
You can also use another command to start an interactive shell on the container like tmux
docker exec -it dev-environment tmux -u2 new -A
Stop container (won't remove)
docker stop dev-environment
Kill container (will remove)
docker compose down