Made so i can get coronation street back on track; essentially once Plex has made a recording in the DVR i want it to do a few things as a post process. It performs as follows:
- Detect duplicates and delete if necessary
- If it's a radio recording simply extract the .mp3 file as not interested in video stream
- Attempt to perform commercial skipping (inbuilt no good as running on FreeBSD)
- Transcode to Apple compatible format (this is simply how i like to keep my library)
- Move to a filename such that Coronation Street records well
You need a number of packages installed; I'm running on FreeNas 11.0 and this gives me a number of very big headaches as the version of HandBrake currently deployed into the repos for FreeBSD is broken on my platform so i have to maintain my own version of HandBrake. Comskip isn't available OOTB so this needs to be deployed seperately. You need the wonderful PlexComskip package installed as this is used for commercial skipping as well.
If doing this on FreeNAS 11.0 you will need to do the following AFTER installing HandBrake from master branch.
cd /usr/local git clone git:// cd Comskip git checkout master PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/HandBrakeGit/build/contrib/lib/pkgconfig" ./configure gmake install
Only do this if you really really have to :( try with the package tree maintainers version first.
cd /usr/local git clone HandBrakeGit cd HandBrakeGit ./configure CXX=/usr/local/bin/clang++ CC=/usr/local/bin/clang LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/HandBrake/build/contrib/lib -DLIBICONV_PLUG" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++14 -I/usr/local/HandBrake/build/contrib/include -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -DLIBICONV_PLUG -I/usr/local/include" CFLAGS=" -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/HandBrake/build/contrib/include -I/usr/local/include/opus -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -DLIBICONV_PLUG" --disable-x265 --force cd build/ gmake CXX=/usr/local/bin/clang++
cd /usr/local git clone
Edit /usr/local/PlexComskip/PlexComskip.conf
with the following:
[Helper Apps] # Path to the comskip binary. comskip-path: /usr/local/bin/comskip # Path to the comskip INI file. Defaults to the same directory as the PlexComskip script. # comskip-ini-path: /usr/local/PlexComskip/comskip.ini # Path to the ffmpeg binary. ffmpeg-path: /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg # Nice level. Used for file copies, comskip analysis, and ffmpeg processing. 0 (default, full priority) - 20 (most nice) nice-level: 0 [Logging] # Log file location. logfile-path: /var/log/PlexComskip/PlexComskip.log # Split the log output to the console? Useful for debugging. console-logging: True [File Manipulation] # Specify a temp directory for interstitial files. This should be local, fast, and have enough free space for ~2x your largest video. Defaults to system temp location. # temp-root: /tmp # Should we copy the original file to the temp directory? Useful if disk access to the original is slower than your temp location. Defaults to False. copy-original: False # Always save the intermediate files? Useful for debugging. Defaults to False. save-always: False # Save intermediate files when something goes wrong? Also useful for debugging and less space intensive. Defaults to True. save-forensics: True
This application has a config file in /etc/defaults/sat.conf
that tells it currently how to access the database:
[Paths] backup=/mnt/PlexRecordings/BackupMP2 plexLibrary=/usr/local/plexdata-plexpass/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db cmdLinePidFile=/tmp/ daemonLinePidFile=/tmp/ [Applications] id3v2=/usr/local/bin/id3v2 ffprobe=/usr/local/bin/ffprobe bash=/usr/local/bin/bash handbrake=/usr/local/bin/HandBrakeCLI ffmpeg=/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg [Database] host=localhost user=root password=Password! db=plex_post_process [FileScanner] dir1=/mnt/PlexRecordings/Movies dir2=/mnt/PlexRecordings/TV
The application uses a MySQL database first create it
CREATE DATABASE plex_post_process;
then restore the database
mysql -u root -p plex_post_process < sat_install.sql
To run the application on startup; add the following service definition
#!/bin/sh # # PROVIDE: plex_post_process # REQUIRE: LOGIN FILESYSTEMS # BEFORE: securelevel # KEYWORD: shutdown "/mnt/PlexRecordings/sat/PlexPostProcess/" "$1"