Sipatra is a simple Sinatra like Ruby DSL for SIP Servlets. It's heavily inspired from Sinatra and was adapted only in those areas that were required by differences between the HTTP and SIP protocols. Sipatra is written is JRuby and targets SIP Servlet 1.1 compatible application servers
As a prerequisite you will need to have VirtualBox and Maven installed on your system.
# Setup your develpment environment
bundle install
rake build
# Download a Vagrant base box for Debian Squeeze 64 bit:
vagrant box add squeeze64
rake test:cipango:setup
rake test:cipango:start # will do a vagrant up
rake test:cipango:deploy
# Tip: Use a jruby VM when executing the specs but when doing only vagrant and deployment stuff
# you can work with a standard MRI (1.8 or 1.9). For instance I use two gemsets: 1.9.3@vagrant
# and jruby-1.6.7@sipatra
Connect to the box and launch a simple sipp UAS:
sipp -sn uas -p 5090
Connect to the box in another terminal and lauch a simple sipp UAC:
sipp -sn uac -rsa -p 5080 -m 1