(Or maybe Modular C Compiler? Or maybe both, I haven't decided yet.)
(An apology for myself.)
- I want to know what goes into writing a compiler from scratch. Reading books about it just won't do anymore.
- I hate Bison and Flex and I actually enjoy writing fast lexers and parsers by hand. Don't judge me, everyone's got a perversion.
- I want to learn to write complex software and compilers have always attracted me.
- I need a framework to test out new code optimization algorithms without having to fight over existing code.
- Writing a C compiler in C looks like an opportunity to get to know all the dark corners of C.
- I'm interested in code optimization.
- I'd love to write something I can be proud of (at least a bit).
- An experimental compiler rather than a production one.
- Make the code robust and reusable.
- Write it so that a reasonably smart person can read it and see how it works.
- Keep it short and terse.
- C11-only
- Favor performance over flexibility
- Fast as hell
- Decent static analysis
- Warnings are errors by default
- x86-64 only
- Favor flexibility over performance
- Highly modular
- Highly configurable
- Make it easy to hack