Welcome to my Personal Profile
This was my very first personal Python app, which was built from following different coding tutorials.
To create this app, I combined two different bootstrap templates by Start Bootstrap Clean Blog and Resume. I also learned how to use four loops in Flask to arrange my resume and work experience data which is stored as Json data.
The GitHub search API, written in JavaScript is adapted from one of Code Institute tutorials, the Rosie Resume.
The following are two code samples, is the GitHub API and the second is a snippet of the education Json file data source. My career data is stored in a similar way, as separate Json file.
function fetchGitHubInformation(event) {
var username = $("#gh-username").val();
if (!username) {
$("#gh-user-data").html(`<h2>Please enter Github username</h2>`);
`<div id="loader">
<img src="static/css/loader.gif" alt="loading..." />
function(firstResponse, secondResponse) {
var userData = firstResponse[0];
var repoData = secondResponse[0];
function(errorResponse) {
if (errorResponse.status === 404) {
`<h2>No info found for user ${username}</h2>`);
} else if(errorResponse.status === 403){
var resetTime = new Date(errorResponse.getResponseHeader('x-Ratelimit-Reset')*1000);
$("#gh-user-data").html(`<h4>Too many requests, please wait until ${resetTime.toLocaleTimeString()} has passed</h4>`);
} else {
`<h2>Error: ${errorResponse.responseJSON.message}</h2>`);
"edu_title": "Full Stack Diploma",
"edu_duration": "February 2018 - Present",
"authority": "The Code Institute",
"qualification": "Studying toward a Diploma<br><small>(Credit rated by EDINBURGH NAPIER UNIVERSITY)</small>",
"image_source": "<img class=\"featureette-image img-fluid\" style=\"max-width: 40%;\" src=\"/static/img/ci.PNG\" alt=\"The Code Institute\">"
My plans are to let this web page evolve as time permits and use it to demonstrate my coding knowledge as it grows.