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Wave packet dynamics routine based on Split-Operator Fourier Transform method : Parallel version with OpenMP

This is a header only library

Language = C++ (C++17 dependencies)[Parallelized with OpenMP]


SOFT_dynamics_Parallel calculates wave packet dynamics based on Split-Operator Fourier Transform method. (Hence can be used for a rectilinear normal coordinate system and an orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system. To use for orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, dynamics routines are to be modified for the diagonal scale factors.)

Wave packet dynamics analysis is done on the fly. Some calculations are specific to the particular problem I solved during my PhD, which is tunneling dynamics in double well potential in "Catecholate Monoanion".

*** Parallelisation *** Parallelisation is done in initial state generation and in the dynamics part. For initial state generation, total number of elements in the multidimensional meshgrid is parallelized with OpenMP.

For dynamics part, the FFT part is parallelized with OpenMP. For the one of the calculations regarding analysis of evolving wave packet of dynamics, wave packet at a given time is decomposed in terms of direct product states. That calculation is parallelized.

The analysis of the evolving wave packet is specific to 3 dimensional calculation. For the tunneling dynamics of Catecholate Monoanion that I worked on, 3 modes, namely, Q1, Q10, Q29 are considered in the calculation. The dynamics run is general and few more analysis routines can be added for 4 dimensional calculation. The normal modes specific to Catecholate Monoanion are shown in figure fig2_all_vibs.pdf(link provided below).

alt text

SOFT_dynamics_Parallel also calculates initial vibrational wave packet from linear combination of eigenstates calculated beforehand for a given Hamiltonian or direct product state from quantum of excitations in different vibrational modes in a multidimensional vibrational problem.

The dynamics code can be used separately from initial state preparation code (separate targets are there for initial state preparation and dynamics in the Makefile)

To run dynamics code with initial state prepared differently, file containing initial state values is to be there in "input_data" folder in binary/text format.

In the inputs given in include/SOFT/constants.hpp and src/constants.cpp are specific to the problem I have worked on which uses initial state preparation and dynamics in dimension-less normal coordinates. The routines can be used in problems with the kinds of coordinate systems mentioned earlier.

include/SOFT contains the headers.

src contains the corresponding source files and files with the main function for initial state preparation and dynamics.

test is the folder for testing the numerical accuracy of the calculation with testing with wave packet prepared from linear combination of eigenstates and hence analytical time-evolution was possible.

For general use, necessary routines are in include/SOFT and src folders.

Units :

Dimension-less normal coordinates were used for the calculation

Potential energy is in wavenumber unit.

For initial state preparation, the following scheme is used (useful for rectilinear normal coordinates in vibrational problems)

primitive DVR (discrete variable representation, Hermite-DVR/sinc-DVR is used)==> (One dimensional basis functions) ==> PODVR(Potential optimised DVR)

** whenever a filename is to be given as input in include/SOFT/constants.hpp and/or src/constants.cpp it should be given without the file extension (data will be processed using routines in include/SOFT/fileops.hpp and/or src/fileops.cpp which has the necessary extensions in the routines.)

Input instruction for preparing initial state :

Nothing to be changed in namespace FUNDAMENTAL_CONST


All extern const types are to be given in corresponding source file src/constants.cpp

coeff_size_max ==> maximum number of eigenstates taken for initial state preparation when linear combination of eigenstates is used for initial state.

NDIM_4_WP_INIT ==> Number of coordinates in the initial state.

NDIM_4_DYNAMICS ==> Number of coordinates for dynamics.

dyn_type ==> Information if dynamics type is TUNNELING or IVR

{if initial state is prepared from linear combination of eigenstates, write TUNNELING else if initial state is direct product state from certain qunata of excitations in different coordinates, write IVR }

eigstate_srno_wp_tun_vect ==> eigenstate indices for linear combination is to be provided. (1-based indexing)

coeff_4_wp_tun_vect ==> corresponding coefficients of eigenstates making up the initial wave packet is to be provided.

{Size of all these vectors is equal to NDIM_4_WP_INIT}

basis_size_vect ==> basis size for individual coordinates

mode_id_vect ==> Normal mode indices (1-based indexing)(give in increasing order)

{basis_size_vect & mode_id_vect elements has one-to-one correspondence.}

**** Following few constants are specific to the scheme used for *****

Q_shift_vect ==> Value of the local minimum for one dimensional basis calculation (non-zero value only for coordinates for which Hermite-DVR is used.)

dvr_type_vect(data type string) ==> For a particular mode, if primitive DVR is "HERMITE", write HO if primtive DVR is "sinc", write sinc

(In the scheme for getting 1-dimensional PODVR basis functions, few transformation matrices are required,following are information about number of rows and columns for different such transformations).

n_row_so_2_anh_vect ==> vector containing number of rows for different transformation matrices from primitive DVR ==> 1-dim basis functions

n_col_so_2_anh_vect ==> vector containing number of columns for different transformation matrices from primitive DVR ==> 1-dim basis functions

n_row_anh_2_po_vect ==> vector containing number of rows for different transformation matrices from 1-dim basis => PODVR function.

n_col_anh_2_po_vect ==> vector containing number of columns for different transformation matrices from 1-dim basis => PODVR function.

tot_prim_dvr_pts ==> total number of primitive DVR points after summing up for all coordinates in the initial state preparation.

sodvr_2_anharm_file ==> filename corresponding to transformation matrix for primitive DVR => 1-dim basis

anharm_2_podvr_file ==> filename corresponding to transformation matrix for 1-dim function => PODVR function

multidim_eigvect_filestring ==> filename corresponding to eigenvector matrix for multidimensional eigenstate calculation (relevant for initial state prepared from linear combination of eigenstates.)

IVR_init_quanta_vect ==> vector containing quanta of excitation in different coordinates (relevant for initial state prepared as direct product from quanta of excitation in different coordinates.)

{Following two input constant vectors are relevant for multidimensional grid preparation. As hinted earlier,dynamics can be done in a dimension lower than dimension of the wave function. generating direct product grid in the dynamics dimension e.g. (x,y,z) .. when full dimensional direct product grid is prepared .. In "constants.hpp" NDIM_4_WP_INIT and NDIM_4_DYNAMICS should be equl in this case and equal to desired dimension. Input vectors for lower range, upper range & no of points for multidimensional grid are to be modified. For direct product grid in the dynamics dimension,length of the lower range,upper range and no of points vectors have to be equal to dimension of dynamics.}

To be changed in "constants.cpp" in namespace DYN_CONST

lower range ==> "grid_low_dim_vect";

upper range ==> "grid_up_dim_vect";

no of points ==>"grid_pt_vect";

{In namespace INIT_STATE_CONST in "constants.cpp" "meshgrid_4_dyn_mode" normal mode numbers are to be given relevant to the dynamics.(For dynamics in direct product grid in dynamics dimension, length of this vector has to be equal to dynamics dimension.) Length of vector other_coord_val_vect has to be equal to dynamics dimension and for this case, all elements are to be zero (i.e. for N-dimensional direct product grid where 'N' is dynamics dimension)}

other_coord_val_vect ==> vector containing values of coordinates which may have been kept fixed.length of this vector is equal to NDIM_4_WP_INIT

{if dynamics dimension is equal to dimension of the initial wave packet, all elements of this vector has to be zero. if dynamics dimension is lower than dimension of the initial wave packet, values corresponding to dynamics coordinates are to be kept zero. values corresponding to other coordinates are to be given which are kept fixed for dynamics.}

meshgrid_4_dyn_mode ==> Normal mode indices in which dynamics is carried out.

(length to be equal to dynamics dimension.only modes in the dynamics are to be given in increasing order.)

Generating multidimensional grid when dynamics is carried out in a lower dimensional direct product grid than NDIM_4_WP_INIT (e.g. in (x,y,z) generating (x,y) variations with constant z for all)

{In this case => NDIM_4_WP_INIT should be equal to dimension of the wave function.NDIM_4_DYNAMICS should be changed to what desired no of dimension for direct product grid generation.(i.e. should be changed to 2 when (x,y) grid is prepared at constant z)

Input vectors "grid_low_dim_vect";"grid_up_dim_vect","grid_pt_vect" are to be changed .. length of each of which equal to NDIM_4_DYNAMICS in src/constants.cpp

{ Input vector "meshgrid_4_dyn_mode" will contain relevant coordinates e.g. (x,y) if those are taken for direct product grid generation.Length of vector "other_coord_val_vect" again has to be equal to NDIM_4_WP_INIT values of coordinate involved in dynamics has to be kept zero. other coordinate values will be changed at the desired constant value.(location of different coordinates in the vector has one to one correspondence to vector "mode_id_vect".)}

Input instruction for doing wave packet dynamics :

timestep ==> step-size for dynamics (to be given in femtosecond based on current structure.)

stepno_vect_4_anal ==> vector containing step numbers for which analytical dynamics is to be carried out (for testing)

max_step ==> maximum number of steps upto which dynamics will be carried out.

twopic ==> 2pispeed_of_light(in cm/femtosecond) (this is done for necessary unit consistency as energy unit was in wavenumber.For general use, unit of choice can be used and routines in src/TROTTER_prop.cpp is to be changed for Split-operator dynamics.)

EYE ==> imaginary 'i'

step_4_file ==> every n-th step when evolved wave packet is to be saved to file.

step_4_restart ==> every n-th step when evolved wave packet is to be saved to file for restart (in case dynamics is terminated midway.)

eigvalfile ==> file containing multidimensional eigenvalues relevant to dynamics(useful for testing with analytical evolution.)

eigstate_4_anal_dyn_file ==> filename for eigenvectors in the relevant multidimension.

{filenames are to be in the above style and relevant eigenvectors for TUNNELING dynamics will be taken using information in eigstate_srno_wp_tun_vect}

grid_pt_vect ==> vector containing number of points along each dimension.(length has to be equal to dynamics dimension.)

grid_low_lim_vect ==> vector containing values of lower limit along each of the coordinates relevant to the dynamics.

grid_up_lim_vect ==> vector containing values of upper limit along each of the coordinates relevant to the dynamics.

freq_vect ==> vector containing frequencies of the coordinates relevant to the dynamics in wavenumber unit.

initfiletype ==> whether potential file and initial wave function file are in binary/dat form. (write "bin"/"dat" based on file type)

{following are some filenames for saving output. Give filenames without extensions.By default, saving will be done in binary format}

potfile ==> name of the file containing potential values in the grid where dynamics will be carried out.

initfile ==> name of the file containing initial state values.

restartoutbinfile ==> filename for saving wave packet for restart.

save_outbinfile ==> filename for saving wave packet during the dynamics.

anal_outbinfile_abs ==> filename for saving absolute value of the wave packet during analytical dynamics.

anal_outbinfile_real ==> filename for saving real part of the wave packet during analytical dynamics.

anal_outbinfile_imag ==> filename for saving imaginary part of the wave packet during analytical dynamics.

How to run

Run all executables from bin folder

necessary inputs are to be changed in either src/constants.cpp and/or include/SOFT/constants.hpp

Necessary input files are in folder input_data

output files will be saved in output_data folder.


Before any run :

make clean

For initial state preparation :

{make init.exe (Prepared initial state will be saved in input_data) make move (moving executables to bin folder)}

For running the dynamics :

{make dyn.exe make move (moving executables to "bin" folder)}


Debabrata Bhattacharyya ( &


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