ItemParser is a simple PHP class for parsing Products and other records with their parameters or options (like colors, sizes etc) from CSV, present results as array or display it as html table
Take a look at live demo
See the examples
folder for usage examples
Parser features:
- Parse data from csv to array
- Display parse results in table view
- Parse parameters like
, etc from cells likeS; M; L; XL
to array of[id => 1, value => "S"]
items - Detect missing parameters and give an ability to replace or ignore it
- Configure each column type and order or skip it
- Search parameters by value or aliases
- Skip specified rows or columns
Drawer features:
- Select, change or skip each column manually
- Display parameters as tags
- Mark tags as
ornot found
- Mark cell as
- Shorten links and image urls
- Shorten long text
- Hide valid, invalid or custom rows
As noted in composer.json
production requirements:
- php >= 5.5
- php mbstring extension
- php json extension
- php iconv extension
- parsecsv/php-parsecsv
Using Composer run the following on the command line:
composer require decss/item-parser
Include Composer's autoloader file in your PHP script:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
Not recommended. To use ItemParser, you have to add a require 'itemparser.lib.php';
Note that you will need to require all ItemParser dependencies like ParseCsv
Paeser result is an array of rows (lines). Each row matches the corresponding line in the CSV and generally looks as follows:
0 => [
"row" => 1, // line number in CSV
"valid" => true, // true if all row's Fields is valid, false if any is invalid
"skip" => false, // true only if you skip this row by special method
"fields" => [] // array of row fields (cells)
Skipped rows can be both valid ("valid" => true
) or invalid ("valid" => false
) and vice versa.
As mentioned above, "fields"
is an array of Field items. Each Field can be different depending on its type, config and content.
All row fields will be presented in result, even if Field was not parsed or was skipped or invalid - there is no matter.
This is an example of skipped or not configured Field:
14 => [
"text" => "cell text", // Original CSV cell text
"name" => null, // Field name from Parser Fields config
"type" => null // Field type
So there is 2 Field types: text
and param
. Here is example of configured text
1 => [
"text" => "V_3J689910",
"name" => "item_sku",
"type" => "text",
"valid" => true, // true if Field is not required or required and have valid "value"
"value" => "V_3J689910" // Unlike "text", "value" is the processed value of a cell.
- is what you should to use instead of "text"
Next is "param" Field:
3 => [
"text" => "Black; Not a color; Grey; ",
"name" => "item_color",
"type" => "param",
"valid" => false,
"value" => [
0 => [
"valid" => true, // true if param was found in Field params
"skip" => false, // true if this value was skipped in Field missings config
"replace" => false, // true if this value was replaced in Field missings config
"id" => 1, // Param ID, if it's value was found by in Field params
"value" => "Black", // Param or Replaced param value
"text" => "Black" // Param text extracted from cell text value
1 => [
"valid" => false,
"skip" => false,
"replace" => false,
"id" => null,
"value" => null,
"text" => "Not a color"
2 => ["valid" => true, "skip" => false, "replace" => false, "id" => 3, "value" => "Grey", "text" => "Grey"]
So you can see that "value"
of param
Field is an array. Here is example of both found [0,2]
and not found [1]
If there is 2 or more identical colors (ie "Black; Red; Black"
) all fo them will be valid but duplicates will be skipped.
use ItemParser\Parser;
// 1. Init Parser and set CSV file path
$csvPath = 'file.csv';
$parser = new Parser($csvPath);
// 2. Config columns
// 2.1 Config param column
// Param array
$colors = [
['id' => 1, 'value' => 'Red'],
['id' => 2, 'value' => 'Green'],
['id' => 3, 'value' => 'Blue'],
['id' => 4, 'value' => 'Gold', 'alias' => ['Gold sand', 'Golden-Orange']],
// Param Missing - skip or replace colors, that was not found in $colors
$colorsMissing = [
'Orange' => -1, // Skip this color
'Golden' => 4, // Replace "Golden" to "Gold" (id = 4)
$parser->paramField('item_color', [$colors, $colorsMissing])->required();
// 3. Run parse and get results
$result = $parser->parse();
use ItemParser\Drawer;
// Create Drawer and config columns (optional)
$drawer = new Drawer($parser, [
'item_name' => ['title' => 'Product Name'],
'item_link' => ['display' => 'link'],
'item_image1' => ['display' => 'image'],
// Display results
echo '<table class="parse-table">'
. '<thead>' . $drawer->head() . '</thead>'
. '<tbody>' . $drawer->body() . '</tbody>'
. '</table>';
// Set CSV file path
$parser = new Parser('file.csv');
// or
$parser = new Parser;
// also you can use preconfigured parseCsv class
$parseCsv = new \ParseCsv\Csv();
$parseCsv->limit = 5;
$parseCsv->delimiter = "\t";
$parser = new Parser('file.csv', $parseCsv);
// Set SCV content
$parser = new Parser;
$content = file_get_contents('file.csv');
You can access to Csv()
instance of ParseCsv
library and configure it directly:
$csvObj = $parser->getCsvObj();
$csvObj->delimiter = ';,'; // Set CSV rows delimiter characters
// Add text field
// Add required text field
// Add param field
$parser->paramField('item_size', [$sizes]);
// Add required param field with missing colors and set possible delimiters for params
$parser->paramField('item_color', [$colors, $colorsMissing])->required()->delimiters([';', ',', '/']);
See examples to get how arguments like $colors
and $colorsMissing
// Skip first 2 rows
// Skip columns and set order
0 => 'item_name',
1 => 'item_sku',
2 => 'item_price',
3 => 'item_color',
4 => 'item_size',
// 5, 6 - skip
7 => 'item_material',
8 => 'item_desc',
9 => 'item_link',
10 => 'item_image1',
11 => 'item_image2',
12 => 'item_image3',
// further will be skipped
// Do parsing and get results
$result = $parser->parse();
// Get results after parsing
$result = $parser->result();
// Create Drawer and config it
$drawer = new Drawer($parser, [
'item_name' => ['title' => 'Product Name'],
'item_sku' => ['title' => 'Product SKU'],
'item_price' => ['title' => 'Price'],
'item_size' => ['title' => 'Sizes'],
'item_color' => ['title' => 'Colors'],
'item_desc' => ['title' => 'Description', 'display' => 'text'],
'item_link' => ['display' => 'link'],
'item_image1' => ['display' => 'image'],
'item_image2' => ['display' => 'image'],
'item_image3' => ['display' => 'image'],
// Hide valid rows
// Hide invalid rows
// Hide custom rows
drawer->hideRows([0, 6, 7, 8]);
// Display missing selects
echo $drawer->missing();
// Display table column names
echo $drawer->head();
// Display table column names with Field selects
echo $drawer->head('select');
// Display table rows
echo $drawer->body();
- ItemParser is based on ParseCsv class.