Deep Learning Datasets Maker is a QGIS plugin to make datasets creation easier for raster and vector data.
Run QGIS Desktop App (3.18) vi BinderHub! Click the button below to launch a server:
- Download and install QGIS and clone the repo :
git clone
Install requirements :
- Enter the folder and install dependent libraries using OSGeo4W shell (Open As Administrator) :
cd deep-learning-datasets-maker pip install -r requirements.txt
- Or open OSGeo4W shell as administrator and enter :
pip install Cython scikit-image Pillow pycocotools --user
Copy folder named deep-learning-datasets-maker in QGIS configuration folder and choose the plugin from plugin manager in QGIS (If not appeared restart QGIS).
- You can know this folder from QGIS Setting Menu at the top-left of QGIS UI
Settings > User Profiles > Open Active Profile Folder
. - Go to
then paste the deep-learning-datasets-maker folder. - Full path should be like :
- You can know this folder from QGIS Setting Menu at the top-left of QGIS UI
Open QGIS, load your raster and vector data then select the output paths for rasterized, images and labels then click
- Fix: If vector layer saved in memory not in file,
can't work. - Splitting raster data into equal pieces with GDAL ,
- Fix: Splitiing Image Size.
- Rasterize shapefile to raster in the same satellite pixel size and projection.
- Convert 24 or 16 bit raster to 8 bit.
- Export as jpg (for raster) and png (for rasterized shapefile) with GDAL.
- Converted semantic segmentation (0 and 1) to instance segmentation for labels (the original label is 0/255) option, and the result is a single-channel image that uses a palette to color.
- PaddlePaddle Train/Val/Testing list text.
- Use GDAL for instance segmentation instead of openCV.
- Support COCO format.
- Update plugin's UI :
- Add new checkbox for other annotations like COCO.
- Fix : raster and vector full path on Linux/macOS (Sometimes cannot gdal/ from the full path because of forward slash
and backward slash\path_to_raster