Ported java connector to tarantool db
Use tokio.io as base client framework
Call echo stored procedure
run tarantool
cd test-tarantool;tarantool init-tarantool.lua
Lua stored procedure:
function test(a,b)
return a,b,11
Rust client :
println!("Connect to tarantool and call simple stored procedure!");
let client = ClientConfig::new("", "rust", "rust")
let response = client
.bind_ref(&("aa", "aa"))?
let res: ((String,String), u64) = response.decode_pair()?;
println!("stored procedure response ={:?}", res);
let response_sql = client
.prepare_sql("select * from TABLE1 where COLUMN1=?")
let meta = response.metadata();
let rows: Vec<(u32, String)> = response.decode_result_set()?;
println!("resp value={:?}", row);
Output :
Connect to tarantool and call simple stored procedure!
stored procedure response =(("param11", "param12"), (2,), (Some(11),))
On examples part of project you can also see more complicated examples :
hyper http server connecting to tarantool
actix-web example
simple benchmark