Yet another plugin to use Emacs shortcut in Neovim's command line.
This is a port of vim-emacscommandline written in Lua for Neovim. Pros/Cons for the original are below.
- Pros
- emcl.nvim has tests for all funcs.
- emcl.nvim is written in Lua, so it is more readable and extensible than Vimscript.
- Cons
- emcl.nvim does not work on Vim ;( This is for Neovim only.
git clone \
And in your init.lua
require("emcl").setup {}
use {
config = function()
require("emcl").setup {}
You can change these mappings below or use some ones only. See doc for the
detail or options (type :h emcl
in Neovim).
Feature | Default mapping |
ForwardChar | <C-f> |
BackwardChar | <C-b> |
BeginningOfLine | <C-a> |
EndOfLine | <C-e> |
OlderMatchingCommandLine | <C-p> |
NewerMatchingCommandLine | <C-n> |
FirstLineInHistory | <M-<> |
LastLineInHistory | <M->> |
SearchCommandLine | <C-r> |
AbortCommand | <C-g> |
ForwardWord | <M-f> |
BackwardWord | <M-b> |
DeleteChar | <Del> , <C-d> |
BackwardDeleteChar | <BS> , <C-h> |
KillWord | <M-d> |
DeleteBackwardsToWhiteSpace | <C-w> |
BackwardKillWord | <M-BS> |
TransposeChar | <C-t> |
TransposeWord | <M-t> |
Yank | <C-y> |
Undo | <C-_> , <C-x><C-y> |
YankLastArg | <M-.> , <M-_> |
ToggleExternalCommand | <C-z> |
- Tests for TransposeWord
- TransposeWord may have bugs.