This Solution includes one Assembly that contains Tools based on Workflow Activities. You must import this solution, to use it. It only contains the Workflow Assembly and the activities to be used in Workflows, so the import of this solution it will not affect any form, entity, view or navigation item.
NOTE: You should allways follow your ALM procedure,downloading the source Code, installing it in Non-production environments, test everything and then move to Production environment when you are sure that everything works as you need.
To import the Solution follow these steps:
- Download the ZIP file from the Releases tab ( Access to the Dynamics 365 (CRM) environment and navigate to Settings>Solutions
- Click on Import and select the ZIP file
- Follow the wizzard steps
To see how to use each of the tools includes in this solution, please access to the following links:
- 1: Force Calculate Rollup Field
- 2: Apply Routing Rules
- 3: Query Values
- 4: Share Record With Team
- 5: Share Record With User
- 6: Unshare Record With Team
- 7: Unshare Record With User
- 8: Check If User is in Role
- 9: Check If User is in Team
- 10: Add To Marketing List
- 11: Remove From Marketing List
- 12: Clone Children - Thanks to Marco Amoedo
- 13: Clone Record
- 14: Set Process
- 15: Rollup Functions
- 16: Entity Attachment To Email
- 17: Pick From Queue
- 18: Queue Item Count
- 19: Add Role To User
- 20: Add Role To Team
- 21: Remove Role From User
- 22: Remove Role From Team
- 23: Set User Settings
- 24: String Functions
- 25: Delete Record
- 26: Entity Json Serializer
- 27: Qualify Lead
- 28: Add Marketing List To Campaign - Thanks to Mitch Milam
- 29: Copy Marketing List Members - Thanks to Mitch Milam
- 30: Copy To Static List - Thanks to Mitch Milam
- 31: Is Member Of Marketing List - Thanks to Mitch Milam
- 32: Remove From All Marketing Lists - Thanks to Mitch Milam
- 33: Numeric Functions
- 34: Email To Team
- 35: Set Process Stage - Thanks to Pablo Peralta
- 36: Entity Mobile Deep Link - Thanks to Jerry Weinstock
- 37: Send Email - Thanks to George Doubinski
- 38: Geocode Address
- 39: Add User To Team
- 40: Remove User From Team
- 41: Associate Entity
- 42: Goal Recalculate
- 43: Get Initiating User
- 44: Encrypt Text
- 45: Check Associate Entity
- 46: Set State
- 47: Update Child Records
- 48: Disassociate Entity
- 49: Insert Option Value
- 50: Delete Option Value
- 51: Sales Literature To Email
- 52: Send Email From Template To Users In Role
- 53: Send Email To Users In Role
- 54: Calculate Price
- 55: Execute Workflow By ID Thanks to Steve Mordue
- 56: JSON Parser - Thanks to Ben Vollmer
- 57: Date Functions
- 58: Calculate Agregate Date Thanks to Ariel
- 59: OrgDBSetting Update Thanks to Pablo Peralta
- 60: OrgDBSetting Retrieve Thanks to Pablo Peralta
- 61: Translate Text
- 62: Currency Convert
- 63: Get Record ID
- 64: Retrieve User's BU Default Team
- 65 Get App Module ID Thanks to Brent Howard
- 66 Get App Record Url Thanks to Brent Howard
- 67 Is Member Of Team Thanks to Brent Howard
- 68 Count Child Entity Record Thanks to Ravi Kashyap
- 69 Get Multi Select OptionSet Thanks to Ramon Tebar
- 70 Map Multi Select OptionSet Thanks to Ramon Tebar
- 71 Set Multi Select Option Set Thanks to Ramon Tebar
- 72 Delete Record Audit History
- 73 Concatenate from Query Thanks To Raj
- 74 Get Sharepoint Location URL Thanks To TarogStar
- 75 Create Team
- 76 Get Option Set Value
- 77 Share Secured Field Thanks to zhongchen zhou
- 78 Set Lookup Field from Record URL thanks to beyro
- 79 Resolve Case thanks to Chris Milton
NOTE ABOUT CDS: The CDS Version not include all the actions, because it requires the entities "lead, salesliterature, list" not included in CDS. The Actions not included in the CDS Version are:
- QualifyLead
- RemoveFromMarketingList
- AddToMarketingList
- IsMemberOfMarketingList
- CopyToStaticList
- CopyMarketingListMembers
- AddMarketingListToCampaign
- SalesLiteratureToEmail