Backend API for a CodeCamp Application which is a bootcamp directory website
- HTTP Essentials
- Postman Client
- RESTful APIs
- Express Framework
- Routing & Controller Methods
- MongoDB Atlas & Compass
- Mongoose ODM
- Advanced Query (Pagination, filter, etc)
- Models & Relationships
- Middleware (Express & Mongoose)
- MongoDB Geospatial Index / GeoJSON
- Geocoding
- Custom Error Handling
- User Roles & Permissions
- Aggregation
- Photo Upload
- Authentication With JWT & Cookies
- Emailing Password Reset Tokens
- Custom Database Seeder Using JSON Files
- Password & Token Hashing
- Security: NoSQL Injection, XSS, etc
- Creating Documentation
- Deployment With PM2, NGINX, SSL
Rename "config/config.env.example" to "config/config.env" and update the values/settings to your own
npm install
# Run in development mode
npm run dev
# Run in Production mode
npm start
To seed the database with users, bootcamps, courses and reviews with data from the "_data" folder, run
# Destroy all data
node seeder -d
# Import all data
node seeder -i
The API is live here
Extensive documentation with examples here
- Version: 1.0.0
- License: MIT