Provides a chassis to build Python Micro-services
API Doc:
A file named config.yaml must be created in the root folder containing the following configuration:
Next install dependencies using the following command for Pipfile:
pipenv sync --dev --three
To run the application, you must use the following command:
pipenv run python -c config.yaml
It's also possible to start the application with gunicorn:
pipenv run gunicorn -w 2 --timeout 3600 -b "app.server:create_app(config='config.yaml')"
To run tests, at project path, execute:
pipenv run coverage run --omit="tests/*" --include="app/*" --branch -m unittest discover -s tests/unit -p "*"
Build docker image:
docker build -t py-chassis .
Run docker container:
docker container run -p 80:8080 -d --name microserivce py-chassis