ETH to BSC or BSC to ETH Cross Bridge Adapter, including Burning and Minting Template
PS. Use it with filled ETH/Rinkeby and BSC testnet faucets for testing.
npm install
Bridge contract on ETH
truffle migrate --reset --network ethTestnet
Bridge contract on BSC
truffle migrate --reset --network bscTestnet
Ok we have both smart contracts bridges on ETH and BSC Now lets check the token balances on ETH and BSC networks.
ETH Network balance (which should be 1000 ref:scripts/eth-bsc-transfer.js line 6)
truffle exec scripts/eth-token-balance.js --network ethTestnet
BSC Network balance (which should be 0)
truffle exec scripts/bsc-token-balance.js --network bscTestnet
Open a new terminal to build the bridge between networks, its going to listen transactions (currently no .env its hardcode. Be sure the you are on the right network!)
Listening from bridge contract on the ETH
node scripts/eth-bsc-bridge.js
Create transaction from another terminal:
truffle exec scripts/eth-bsc-transfer.js --networkTestnet
You should see the bridge api is going to detect the transaction event on previous terminal Which means its burned on ETH and minted on BSC and the tokens are now available.
Summarize and checking the current balances
ETH Network Balance should be 0
truffle exec scripts/eth-token-balance.js --network ethTestnet
BSC Network Balance should be 1000
truffle exec scripts/bsc-token-balance.js --network bscTestnet
All done, Cheers.