English | Other Blazor components
This project is a Blazor component library packaged with ZXing, Support barcode, QR code, PDF417 format.
NuGet install pack
_Imports.razor or Razor page
@using ZXingBlazor.Components
Razor page
https://github.com/densen2014/ZXingBlazor/blob/master/Demo.Server/Pages/Index.razor<b>Result:</b> <br /> <pre>@BarCode</pre> <BarcodeReader ScanResult="ScanResult" /> @code{ /// <summary> /// BarCode /// </summary> public string? BarCode { get; set; } private void ScanResult(string e) { BarCode = e; ShowScanBarcode = !ShowScanBarcode; } }
2023.12.2 v1.1.2
- Add parameters: screen recording decoding
- Add parameters: use zxing built-in video stream opening method, default false
- ZXingOptions adds new version of video stream parameters a. Quality image quality, default is 0.9 a. Width image width, default is 640 a. Height image height, default is 480
2023.11.14 v1.0.11
- Add hints options in ZXingOptions more...
2023.11.5 v1.0.8
- fix issue
- hide debug info, manual open debug info, add options.Debug=true
- Add 1. Save the last used device ID and call it automatically next time. 2. Specify the camera device ID.
- Add Start,Stop,Reload , DecodeFromImage(dataUrl)
- Add BarCodes decode from image and Generate QRcode Components
2022.11.23 Add optiones
- Pdf417Only: decode only Pdf417 format
- Decodeonce: decode Once or Decode Continuously, default is Once
- DecodeAllFormats: decodde All Formats, performance is poor, you can set options.formats to customize specify the encoding formats. The default is false
- Upgrade to js isolated version, add image browser Viewer component, and upgrade demo project to net6 format
- BarcodeReader supports defining button text and supports multiple languages
- Fork this project
- Create new Feat_xxx branch
- Submit the code
- New Pull Request
本项目是利用 ZXing 进行封装的 Blazor 组件库, 支持条码,二维码,PDF417格式.
https://zxingblazor.app1.es https://zxingblazorwasm.app1.es https://blazor.app1.es/barcodescanner
安装 NuGet 包
_Imports.razor 或者 Razor 页面引用
@using ZXingBlazor.Components
Razor 页面代码
https://github.com/densen2014/ZXingBlazor/blob/master/Demo.Server/Pages/Index.razor<b>Result:</b> <br /> <pre>@BarCode</pre> <BarcodeReader ScanResult="ScanResult" /> @code{ /// <summary> /// BarCode /// </summary> public string? BarCode { get; set; } private void ScanResult(string e) { BarCode = e; ShowScanBarcode = !ShowScanBarcode; } }
2023.12.2 v1.1.1
- 添加参数:录屏解码
- 添加参数:使用zxing内置视频流打开方式,默认 false
- ZXingOptions 添加新版视频流参数 a. Quality 图像质量,默认为 0.9 a. Width 图像宽度,默认为 640 a. Height 图像高度,默认为 480
2023.11.14 v1.0.11
- 添加 hints 选项 in ZXingOptions more...
2023.11.5 v1.0.8
- 修复问题
- 隐藏调试信息,手动打开调试信息,添加options.Debug=true
- 添加 1.保存最后使用设备ID下次自动调用, 2.指定摄像头设备ID
- 添加 Start,Stop,Reload , DecodeFromImage(dataUrl)
- 添加 BarCodes 解码图片/QR码生成组件
2022.11.23 添加选项
- Pdf417Only: 只解码 Pdf417 格式 / decode only Pdf417 format
- Decodeonce: 单次|连续解码,默认单次 / Decode Once or Decode Continuously, default is Once
- DecodeAllFormats: 解码所有编码形式,性能较差, 开启后可用 options.formats 指定编码形式.默认为 false | Decodde All Formats, performance is poor, you can set options.formats to customize specify the encoding formats. The default is false
- 升级为js隔离版本,添加图片浏览器 Viewer组件, 演示工程升级为net6格式
- BarcodeReader 支持定义按钮文本,支持多语言
- Fork 本项目
- 新建 Feat_xxx 分支
- 提交代码
- 新建 Pull Request