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AWS Cloudformation VPC Setup

These are Cloudformation templates to create an VPC Infrastructure with:

  • private and public subnets
  • optional bastion host
  • IPv6 support
  • exported to S3 to have it directly usable:
    Launch Stack

via CLI:

aws cloudformation create-stack \
  --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
  --stack-name infrastructure \


Variable Default Description
Tags '' A comma seperated list of key=value pairs
VpcCIDR IP range (CIDR notation) for this VPC
CreateBastionHost false Should we setup bastion hosts?
BastionHostInstanceType t2.micro InstanceType of Bastion Host
BastionHostAllowedIPRange t2.micro IP Range (CIDR notation) which is allowed connect from
BastionHostKeyName None Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair for SSH access

Cloudformation Stack Exports

Variable Description
${AWS::StackName}-VPCID A reference to the created VPC
${AWS::StackName}-VPCCIDR VPC CIDR Blocks
${AWS::StackName}-VPCV6CIDR VPC IPv6 CIDR Blocks
${AWS::StackName}-TagParse ServiceToken of the Lambda funtion to parse tags from Parameters
AZ[1-6]PrivateSubnet AZ[1-6] Private Subnet
AZ[1-6]PublicSubnet AZ[1-6] Public Subnet
${AWS::StackName}-PrivateSubnets Comma seperated list of all created private subnets
${AWS::StackName}-PublicSubnets Comma seperated list of all created public subnets

extending the VPC with more PublicSubnets

This template create subnets using the Fn::CIDR intrinsic function to get the CIDRs for the subnets, e.g.:

PublicCIDR: !Select [11, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCIDR, 256, 8]]
PrivateCIDR: !Select [21, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCIDR, 256, 8]]
PublicIpv6CIDR: !Select [11, !Cidr [!Select [0, !GetAtt 'VPC.Ipv6CidrBlocks'], 256, 64]]
PrivateIpv6CIDR: !Select [21, !Cidr [!Select [0, !GetAtt 'VPC.Ipv6CidrBlocks'], 256, 64]]

If you want to create additional subnets (e.g. for ElasticCacheSubnetGroups or RDSSubnetGroups) you can import the CIDRs with:

  !Sub "${NetworkStackName}-PublicCIDR"

to get an SubnetCIDR select a diferent index than 11-16 and 21-26:

  - 100
  - !Cidr
      - Fn::ImportValue:
          !Sub "${NetworkStackName}-PublicIpv6CIDR"
      - 256
      - 64