These are Cloudformation templates to create an VPC Infrastructure with:
- private and public subnets
- optional bastion host
- IPv6 support
- exported to S3 to have it directly usable:
via CLI:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name infrastructure \
Variable | Default | Description |
Tags |
'' |
A comma seperated list of key=value pairs |
VpcCIDR | |
IP range (CIDR notation) for this VPC |
CreateBastionHost |
false |
Should we setup bastion hosts? |
BastionHostInstanceType |
t2.micro |
InstanceType of Bastion Host |
BastionHostAllowedIPRange |
t2.micro |
IP Range (CIDR notation) which is allowed connect from |
BastionHostKeyName |
None |
Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair for SSH access |
Variable | Description |
${AWS::StackName}-VPCID |
A reference to the created VPC |
${AWS::StackName}-VPCCIDR |
VPC CIDR Blocks |
${AWS::StackName}-VPCV6CIDR |
VPC IPv6 CIDR Blocks |
${AWS::StackName}-TagParse |
ServiceToken of the Lambda funtion to parse tags from Parameters |
AZ[1-6]PrivateSubnet |
AZ[1-6] Private Subnet |
AZ[1-6]PublicSubnet |
AZ[1-6] Public Subnet |
${AWS::StackName}-PrivateSubnets |
Comma seperated list of all created private subnets |
${AWS::StackName}-PublicSubnets |
Comma seperated list of all created public subnets |
This template create subnets using the Fn::CIDR
intrinsic function to get the CIDRs for the subnets, e.g.:
PublicCIDR: !Select [11, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCIDR, 256, 8]]
PrivateCIDR: !Select [21, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCIDR, 256, 8]]
PublicIpv6CIDR: !Select [11, !Cidr [!Select [0, !GetAtt 'VPC.Ipv6CidrBlocks'], 256, 64]]
PrivateIpv6CIDR: !Select [21, !Cidr [!Select [0, !GetAtt 'VPC.Ipv6CidrBlocks'], 256, 64]]
If you want to create additional subnets (e.g. for ElasticCacheSubnetGroups or RDSSubnetGroups) you can import the CIDRs with:
!Sub "${NetworkStackName}-PublicCIDR"
to get an SubnetCIDR select a diferent index than 11-16 and 21-26:
- 100
- !Cidr
- Fn::ImportValue:
!Sub "${NetworkStackName}-PublicIpv6CIDR"
- 256
- 64