Converts a CSV file into SSTables that can be bulkloaded into a Cassandra cluster
Make sure that maven is installed on your system. Then to build the jar file, run:
$ ./build
When running csv-to-sstable.jar, you need to specify the keyspace for which you want to generate the SSTables, the absolute path to a CQL file containing the "TABLE CREATE" definition of the Cassandra table that you want to populate and the absolute path to your CSV file:
$ java -jar csv-to-sstable.jar <keyspace> <absolute/path/to/schema.cql> <absolute/path/to/input.csv> <absolute/path/to/output/dir> [optional csv prefs]
Optionally, you can pass CSV Preferences in JSON format. Omitting this parameter is equivalent to passing the following default preferences:
$ java -jar csv-to-sstable.jar <keyspace> <absolute/path/to/schema.cql> <absolute/path/to/input.csv> <absolute/path/to/output/dir> "{\"col_sep\":\",\", \"quote_char\":\"'\"}"
Note that the quotes in your JSON must be escaped (as in the example above) in order to be passed on the command line.
Suppose you would like to populate a Cassandra table my_table
within a keyspace my_keyspace
. The CQL definition of my_table
is stored in ~/my_table.cql
and might look like this:
CREATE TABLE my_keyspace.my_table (
my_column1 text,
my_column2 int,
my_column3 set<text>,
PRIMARY KEY (my_column2, my_column1)
Assuming you want to use a CSV file my_csv.csv
in your home directory to populate your table, you can run:
$ java -jar csv-to-sstable.jar my_keyspace /Users/home/my_table.cql /Users/home/my_csv.csv /Users/home/sstables
After the SSTables have been generated, you can bulkload them into Cassandra by using sstableloader. Assuming that you have a running local Cassandra cluster installed in ~/cassandra, run:
$ ~/cassandra/bin/sstableloader -d localhost Users/home/sstables/my_keyspace/my_table
Currently, only a limited number of column types are supported:
Cassandra column type | Example CSV column |
text | 'My Little Text' |
float | '8.97' |
int | '3' |
boolean | 'True' |
set<text> | '["first", "second", "third"]' |
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