A collaborative list of all things Swift NIO.
Do you know of something that's missing on this list? Please open a pull request so other people can enjoy the resource as well โค๏ธ
If you instead want to get started contributing to NIO itself, check out the list of "good first issues"
- "Loops" with Futures - Using recursion to asynchronously perform multiple requests
- SwiftNIO: A simple guide to async on the server - Hands-on tutorial about NIO futures & promises
- SwiftNIO Tutorial: Pratical Guide for Asynchronous Problems - Hands-on introduction to building an HTTP service
- A ยตTutorial on SwiftNIO 2 - Discover NIO 2 by creating a micro framework inspired by Express
- Netty in Action - The book about Netty, which inspired the creation of NIO
- Event driven networking for Swift - An overview of NIO, also it's initial open-source unveil ๐
- SwiftNIO and Network.framework - Showcases how to use NIO transport services to build an iOS SMTP client
- Testing SwiftNIO Systems - How to write automated tests for NIO applications
- SwiftNIO on the Raspberry PI - Write NIO code in Xcode & deploy it to a Raspberry PI
- Implementing JSON-RPC with SwiftNIO - How you could use NIO to implement a custom protocol
- Swift NIO HTTP/2 - HTTP/2 support for SwiftNIO
- Swift NIO transport services - Extensions for SwiftNIO to support Apple platforms as first-class citizens
- AsyncHTTPClient - HTTP client library built on SwiftNIO
- Swift gRPC - The Swift language implementation of gRPC
- Vapor - A server-side Swift web framework
- Swift AWS Lambda Runtime - Swift implementation of AWS Lambda Runtime
- Swift NIO Extras - Useful code around SwiftNIO
- SmokeFramework - A light-weight server-side service framework written in the Swift programming language
- MongoKitten - A MongoDB driver implementation in Swift
- netrek-server-swift - A Swift reimplementation of the original Internet game server: Netrek. Uses Swift-NIO, Swift Argument Parser, Swift Log, and Swift Service Lifecycle.
- ClickHouseNIO - High performance Swift ClickHouse client written in pure Swift. With ClickHouseVapor it offers seamless ORM abstraction and connection pooling with Vapor.
- Alchemy - Elegant, batteries included web framework for Swift.
- MacroExpress - An unopinionated SwiftNIO based web framework, Express.js/Connect like.
- Proxyman - HTTP Debugging Proxy, uses SwiftNIO for networking
- Swift NIO Examples - A set of NIO examples
To the extent possible under law, Moritz Lang has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.