Extract tag values from any Go struct fields
go get github.com/dergus/tagx
- Extract tag values by a tag key as a hierarchical data structure
- Extract tag values by a tag key as a flat array of strings concatenated by a given delimiter
type S struct {
FieldA int `json:"field_a"`
NestedStruct struct {
NestedFieldA string `json:"nested_field_a"`
AnotherNestedStruct struct {
AnotherNestedField int `json:"another_nested_field"`
} `json:"another_nested_struct"`
} `json:"nested_struct"`
tags := tagx.Extract(S{}, "json")
// tags
Children: []tagx.Tag{
Value: "nested_field_a",
Value: "another_nested_struct",
Children: []tagx.Tag{
type S struct {
FieldA int `json:"field_a"`
NestedStruct struct {
NestedFieldA string `json:"nested_field_a"`
AnotherNestedStruct struct {
AnotherNestedField int `json:"another_nested_field"`
} `json:"another_nested_struct"`
} `json:"nested_struct"`
tags := tagx.ExtractFlat(S{}, "json", ".")
// tags
- Only tag value is returned, options(e.g.
for the json tag) are omitted - Private Fields (with tag value
) are ignored and not returned - Empty tag values or just whitespace values are ignored and not returned
- Fields of recursive structs aren't explored
Copyright © 2023 Ziyadin Shemsedinov.
This project is MIT licensed.