Gorecon is a lightweight Reconnaissance Tool , which might make your recon process a bit more easy (It is still in its Beta state )
1 - [+] Dns Lookup
2 - [+] Whois Lookup
3 - [+] Nmap scan
4 - [+] Zone Transfer Lookup
5 - [+] Shared DNS server lookup
6 - [+] Web Scrapper
7 - [+] Reverse DNS lookup
8 - [+] Subnet calculator
9 - [+] Admin panel finder (with Screenshots)
10 - [+] Directory Bruteforce (with Screenshots)
11 - [+] Configuration Files Finder
12 - [+] HTTP Header Information
13 - [+] GeoIp Lookup
14 - [+] Find/Analyze Content Management System (CMS)
15 - [+] Email Hunter (find emails of the company)
16 - [+] Use Rapid7 Open Data's Project Sonar for Finding Subdomains)
17 - [+] Use Virustotal API for Finding subdomains
18 - [+] Use Threatcrowd's API for Finding subdomains
19 - [+] Run All scans
Gorecon is still in its beta state , It works fine though. It will run on anything that has Go compiler installed , Tested on : Windows,Linux
Gorecon can be easiliy installed by following the below mentioned steps : Note : Before installing gorecon make sure you have Go installed on your machine
1 - run the following commands :
go get "github.com/devanshbatham/gorecon"
go get "github.com/fatih/color"
go get "github.com/likexian/whois-go"
go get "github.com/gocolly/colly"
2 - Run :
go run gorecon.go --url example.com
Gorecon can be used in the following ways :
go run gorecon.go --url example.com
go run gorecon.go -url example.com
#run all scans without user input
echo "19\n y"| ./gorecon --url example.com
paths.txt - for directory Bruteforce
conf.txt - for configuration file Bruteforce
read.txt - for admin panel Bruteforce
want to collabarate or chat in private? DM me My twitter : @devanshwolf!
You can contribute in following ways:
* Report bugs
* Give suggestions to make it better
* Fix issues & submit a pull request
* Suggest New features
I will be more than happy if you will show some love for Animals by donating to Animal Aid Unlimited ,Animal Aid Unlimited saves animals through street animal rescue, spay/neuter and education. Their mission is dedicated to the day when all living beings are treated with compassion and love. ✨
PS : I know the code is dirty , :P