minutes, seconds timeout cook timer
- set minutes, seconds add with push buttons
- countdown with progressbar
- key tones
- time expire audibile 10 sec sound
- standby power <0.00uA
- active power 18mA
- battery LiOn 3.7V power source
- autoshutdown after 10 sec
- vscode arduino
- arduino libraries ( available through Library Manager )
- atmega328p
- oled ssd1306 128x64 two wire interface
- piezo buzzer
- schematics and pcb also available ready to print pcb labels
- power on
- push button ( replace T0/T2 in schematics below ) ; this required for power on cycle
- atmega328p
from load power management circuit (see below)SCL SDA
to oled- digital pin 9 to piezo (+)
to serialRX
(optional)- digital pin 5 to NPN transistor base ( replace T1/T3 in schematics below ) ; this required to maintain PNP transistor active until auto shutdown
- digital pin 6 ( MINUTES ADD ) to push button pulled down with R10K to GND
- digital pin 7 ( SECONDS ADD ) to push button pulled down with R10K to GND
- digital pin 8 ( START COUNTDOWN ) to push button pulled down with R10K to GND
- serial (optional)
- piezo
- oled
from load power management circuit (see below)
- qucs simulation
- T0,T2 describe power on switch in a transient way ( T0 switches to close after 0.1ms enabling power while T2 switches to open after 0.3ms simulating push button release )
- T1,T3 describe digital pin 5 that maintains system on until pin goes low disabling main transistor Q2N3906
- RL represents atmega+oled consumption
- R3 is a pullup resistor to avoid Q2N main transistor draw a little current 0.3uA when system powered off
- graph shown power on switch (T0T2) at 1e-4s ; system autosustain (T1T3) at 2e-4 where Vm near 0mV ; power on switch release at 3e-4 with no effect due to BC547 activated transistor ; shutdown at 6e-4 by toggling T3 ( digital pin 5 low )
- see online