This repo is a small maven project which generates a jar
to place config files on the classpath
when generating dependency license information using License Maven Plugin.
These config files allows for a generated license list that matches the company requirements.
Add a maven profile to your pom.xml
<!-- ... -->
<!-- licenses -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- choose one of these goals for your project -->
Now run the following command and a file dependencies-license.adoc
should be generated in the root folder of the project:
mvn clean generate-resources -Pcreate-license-list
Or invoke the goal directly:
mvn license:add-third-party
mvn license:aggregate-add-third-party
Each project can also override the files included in this plugin with their own, e.g.:
<!-- Use custom allowed licenses list -->
<!-- Use custom template -->
<!-- ... -->
If License Maven Plugin determines a license for a dependency but the license is incorrect or not specific enough, we can override it:
In this repo we maintain file with license overrides (src/main/resources/override-licenses.txt
) where license information can be added.
this file is loaded via overrideUrl
configuration in the profile above.
NOTE: ${license}
should be the spdx identifier
of the license (see:
If License Maven Plugin was unable to determine the license for a dependency the license can manually be added. Missing licenses can be added in two ways:
- Recommended way: Define the license in license overrides, see above
- If you do not want to define the license in that central place for whatever reason, it is possible to define
it in the local project.
- Remove the configuration
or define it asfalse
- The build will generate a file
, see: missingFile configuration - Define the license in that file
The file format is the same as in the license overrides - Note: The
will override that definition
- Remove the configuration
Dependencies might declare the name of the same license in different ways e.g. (Apache 2
, Apache 2.0
, ...
) in order
to consolidate the used licenses different names can be merged into one using the file src/main/resources/license-merges.txt
which is loaded via licenseMergesUrl
configuration in the profile above.
${spdx identifier}|${license spelling A}|${license spelling B}|${license spelling C}
In order to have a consistent naming of the licenses the first entry in a row should be the spdx identifier
of the
license (see:
Whenever a new spdx identifier
is added, make sure to add it to the output templates as well, e.g.
This way we can directly generate a link to the license description.
There are two different goals: add-third-party
and aggregate-add-third-party
With add-third-party
the dependency file is created for each module.
If only one dependency file in a multi module project should be generated, the aggregate-add-third-party
goal can be used.
Projects can be configured to fail at build time when containing a library whose license is not allowed:
This plugin provides two built-in asciidoc templates for the generated license files.
lists the libraries with groupId:artifactId, version, URL and the SPDX link to the license.
lists the libraries with human readable name - linked to the library's homepage,
groupId:artifactId, version, and the SPDX link to the license.
<!-- ... -->
Creating a new release involves the following steps:
mvn gitflow:release-start gitflow:release-finish
git push origin master
git push --tags
git push origin develop
In order to deploy the release to Maven Central, you need to create an account at
Then, generate a login token at at Profile / User Token. Add this login token to the file ~/.m2/settings.xml
The account also needs access to the project on Maven Central. This can be requested by another project member.
Then check out the release you want to deploy (git checkout x.y.z
) and run mvn deploy -Prelease