You are challenged to fill in the send and receive sides of a chat application using Azure Service Bus. There are two functions to fill in before you are able to chat with your fellow Gophers. You can find both functions within ./cmd/join.go.
func sendMessage(ctx context.Context, topic *servicebus.Topic, name, message string) error {
ctx, span := tab.StartSpan(ctx, "join.sendMessage")
defer span.End()
// TODO: Create a ChatMessage
// TODO: marshal ChatMessage into bits
// TODO: send message to topic
return nil
func listenForAMessage(ctx context.Context, subscription *servicebus.Subscription) (*ChatMessage, error) {
ctx, span := tab.StartSpan(ctx, "join.listenForAMessage")
defer span.End()
// TODO: receive one message from the subscription and unmarshal into ChatMessage
// TODO: return ChatMessage
return nil, nil
In sendMessage
you are required to send a message to an Azure Service Bus Topic. A Topic is a target for
broadcast messages to be listened to many subscribers.
In listenForMessage
you are required to listen to a subscription on a topic to receive messages from the topic.
If you are up for the challenge, there is help to be had in
git clone
go run .