This is the personal wiki of Devin Halladay, a designer and writer based in Manhattan. The code is open source and licensed under GPL; I would only ask that, as a courtesy, you let me know if you borrow or remix any of my code.
- Gatsby to generate the site
- MDX to embed JSX in Markdown files
- Vercel for hosting
- Tailwind and SCSS for styling
- Custom MDX footnote transformer plugin
- Inspired by Maggie's footnote component and gatsby-remark-reference-footnotes
- Transforms MDX footnotes1 into a configurable JSX element (eg. a react component)
- gatsby-theme-brain provides bi-directional links and other niceties
- Roam for taking notes and writing entries
- You'll need to install Node and Yarn, if you haven't already.
- Clone this repo
into the repo and runyarn install
to install project dependencies- Run
yarn dev
to start the development server
- Run
yarrn build
to build the site for production.
- Maggie Appleton for their exemplary digital garden which helped me get my head around Gatsby.
- Aengus McMillin for their powerful digital garden theme and plugins
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